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A little girl with beautiful black hair, put in two big pigtails, was sitting in a big old room with a young man maybe with twenty something an with a particular made-to-measure suit, the suffocating silence that full the room was enough for the poor little girl, she just need to wait tehre until her parents come back for her, she doesnt even understand why she was there in the first place, she only knows that the only toy she could bring with her, an old rag doll her parents gave her on her first birthday, doesnt full her need of fun, the only chance to change that was talking to that strange man, his look was lost in the window, like something was deep inside his mind and distracting him from reality.

-Sir, Im bored- Said the girl in a high voice so maybe she can get the attention of the man, successfully the man look at the girl, his long bangs with a brownish color move with his head in a comical way, making the little girl laugh, -Is that so?- answer the man with a smile, as if the infant sentence didnt bother him at all, - What do you want to do then?-, tilting her little head the little girl wondered a good answer, the place doesnt look good for kids, old furniture and expensive things everywhere, and even if the place look big enough to play hide and seek, some places look scary enough for the little one to think about playing, or she could even get lost in there.

-Oh i know!!- Said the girl with a great idea in her mind, -Tell me a story!!!- with a funny look the man Consider the idea, to be a little infant she sure open up fast to people -Me? But im not good with-, Interrupted by the little girl and her classic Puppy eyes, she knows what she is doing, using her beautiful gems for eyes with the most innocent look to melt this man wall and have what she want, like she did so many times in the past with her parents.

But didnt work as she expected, the man only laugh, patting the little girl head and laughing - Fine fine but i only know one story, my dad used to tell me this one every night when i was little- With an amazed look the girl sits near to the man, more than ready for hear this story -What is the name of the story?-, With a proud smile for get the attention of the young girl he start to search in his memory all the fragments of the old story -Well is more about someone than something so the story has the name of the Main character- before he could even breath the little girl start to talk with joy -Is a real story? What is the name? Is a happy story? Is a prince on it? My Arya can hear the story or i have to cover her ears?- Says the girl pointing to the little doll in her arms.

Taking a quick look at the doll then at the girl eyes he only could smile more, as if the curiosity of the little one cause him that smile - What if we leave the questions for later so i can start already?-, with a shy look the little girl nods -Yes please-, pleased with the asnwer the man start with a more formal and strong voice, as if he did it lot of times before -The name was Jason, and his story may be familiar to you...-

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