5. In the stomach of the beast

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Before the couple could shout and wake the poor infant or alert the good doctor, Jason pushed them into the basement, where only he knew what was happening there, almost tripping in the stairs, making them walk throw weird doors and finally making them stop he chained their feet, and he forced them to enter a room with the worst look posible, were they in the same house? there were mattresses on the floor, no candle to give them some light making the room full of darkness, with a cold floor and a gross smell everywhere and no sound except for their feet chain and Jason voice, he kept talking about how they were bad with him after everything he had done for them, was a long speach like that you do to a bad kid, but with the voice that make you think twice to answer, Even though, they tried to protest agains and scream, but he knew what he was doing, afterall he ordered to build that house, so he knew all the secrets there, and that room with some others were made in a especial way, to thei worst nightmare Jason explained that they were not the first to suffer the consequences of trying to abandon him, making them be more noisy and problematic.

Jason was exasperated with the sound and with a single blow he silenced them both, showing them that the only way to get out of there, was if they behaved like good people that belong to him, and that they did not worry about being abandoned there, that he would go down almost all the time he had to be with them, so they can happy play games and enjoy new things or just eat and wonder random though, but all toguether, but one of them wasnt happy with the idea, the until then beautiful woman got fed up and asked for her son with anger and betray in her voice, she even promising to leave the new groom to Jason and never tell anyone about what was happening if he let her go with his child away from there, after all the speach Jason only laugh, because he said that if she did not understand it then he would have to make her understand.

Taking the woman by her hair with a terrifying smile, Jason went out of the room, but before he did it he looked for the last time at the companion of that evening, freezing the poor fellow with that look, because the compassionate beautiful eyes that the redhead used to have, suddenly had been replaced by a bright emerald green, similar to those of the old man with black hair who lived just an hour ago, the father of the greaceful man he met sometime ago and now the mosnter that had him captive, leaving him alone with his toughs in that cold room to the poor man who had gone that day for an approval to marry under what he believed was love, and ended up wrapped in a life or death situation.

Alone and full to his word the monster under the name of Jason went every day and night to play with him, most of that was to the poor man suffering while the moster laughing, only as a facade, because everytime he did something wrong, everytime he didnt follow his orders, everytime he tries to speak agains, he was punish with a worst nightmare.

Day after day the man had no choice but to endure Jason's visits in that place, which barely had light when he visited him, and could only eat when he brought food for him, and without counting the enormous number of hours he kept awake, because Jason would not let him sleep if it was time for his visit, with insatiable hours of chatter and "Games", the man did not know how long he had been there and in those conditions, with many asks in his head wonderling lots of things, What time is it? How many time he has beeing there? why didnt that monster just kill him? how was it that no one was looking for him ? maybe Nobody else appreciated him enough, not like Jason anyway, but what had been the fate of that young woman guilty of being himself involved in all that? And not to mention thinking about the poor child, what would that monster have done with him? Many doubts were hanging around his head in the little free time he had left, until one day the answers to his thousand and one questions arrived, and he regretted a lot that they were answered.

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