2.What life show him

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At first he worked as a newspaper delivery boy, not the best job but he was just a kid, but he had an advantage, he could finish fast every day because he was selling everything quickly for his graceful appearance, only a puppy look  to that fancy couple and a cute smile to the old rich man could melt anyone heart, making everything easy and making him feel like he needs more, so at the age of twelve he was looking for any job that could offer him more, but being a poor kid with nothing to lose left him with only the possibility of following his brothers and father in their jobs, and he never wasted time, always learning everything he could, some sewing techniques form his older brother, new toys forms and ways from his father, flexibility and resistance from his twin brothers, everything could help him soon or later and he never wasted an opportunity, he even read, inspired by his dead mother beautiful reading he decide to learn every word he could, so when he had a couple of minutes he read what he could find.

But he knows to rise up he need more, and the little logic of a kid guide him to the most curious situation, sometimes he tried to imitate the walking or talking of people with more money, thinking that if he wanted to learn to communicate with them and belong to their world, he should act like them, and of course this caused teasing from his friends, but that never stopped him from doing it, he practice day after day, before going to sleep and when he had a spare time in work, until his lenguaje and his manners grow up, so he start to using it everywhere, when he worked with his family or when he was buying food, so it becomes part of him, and finally one day it turned out well, because his older brother started having more clients because now they felt for the attention and care that Jason presented to them, they way his words hypnotized the costumers and how his little touch made them feel important, was so charming even being so young.

Some rich men even offered him a butler position when he grew up, but he always refused with a smile, he did not want anyone to be his owner, he did know how that worked, and he wanted more, with that idea in his mind he would own others in order to fix his family, afterall and despite his smile and age he was never a fool, he knew that his family lived very badly, his fatherused to define it as broken, a broken family with a broken place in a broken situation, so he thought that the best thing he could do for his family was repair it, just like his father fix the toys and his brother repair the clothes, he wanted to fix the love of the ones he loved the most.

At first he was content to work where he could, alittle in the tailor some time in the old fabric and even helping the old flower lady, but because of his talent his family knows he could do more, so his father and older brother encouraged him to be more than just that, so when he turned fifteen he dedicated himself to follow the job that his father tried to start, to be a great toy maker, so he work on it, every night and every day, he did stop working so he could have all the time to improve his skills, and every day he succeeded, and start to made everyone around him happy again, giving his works as gifts to everyone around him, winning a smile from every single one of them.

But the winter of that year forced to his family to go through sadness again, because one of his twin brothers died by an explosion in the factory where they worked, because of the sadness and lack of selfcare the other twin died of disease a few months later. 

The sadness flooded the young Jason's family, he could feel his family break into more and more pieces while each of them was leaving him, even if was something unstoppable as death, this was causing serious problems in the poor Jason heart, and although his family though he continued to smile as always he did every time something bad happened, it wasnt true, he just got more and more violent, more and more angry, and with his old friends was easier to get into fights, any kind of tease from them made him lose his manners and good class, because he was overwhelmed by anger, that feeling made him wish for someone screaming at him to stop, to make him feel like he had control, only to satisfy him.

Every time his older brother confronted him about it, his only response was that they wanted to leave him, that they hate him, that they wanted to hurt what is important to him, and that he did not want to allow them to do anything like that again, the one and only surviving brother understood him, those who remained in his family tried to deal with the pain in their own way, so he showed him how to focuse that anger and hatre, and make those ones he choose to never disobey, to never leave, to never say anything agains him, if he works on what he was best then there would not be that fear of being abandoned, because there would be no reason for them to leave, but for them to stay. 

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