3. A new phase

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With that new idea in his head, he dedicated himself day after day, hour after hour, every moment of his day and night to perfect his talent, so he would be the best, he has to be perfect, after all who does not love the best ? but he knew that his skills by itself would not be enough, so he also perfected his appearance and vocabulary, so he could be charming to everyone again, hyponize only with a look and making the stronger human being melt under his voice, and as a bonus his charm on others made him reach easily his goals and went where he wanted to be.

When he was finally older enough, a generous money donation from the daughter of a banker to whom he made a beautiful doll with exquisite details, and the place that was offered to him by the new commercial boss whose children became frequent customers of the young toy-maker allowed him to easy entry into a middle-class life. 

His life could not be more wonderful, now living in a better place with his father and his brother, finally eating what they wanted and teasting what they wanted, was a wonderful dream for them, and the smiles Jason saw in his family and clients made him feel he was finally in the place where he deserve, and his brother couldnt disagree, with half of the place for himself he made a name and happiness for what he did, and his eye shine with the visite he frecuently had of a client, a beautiful lady with wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes, only daughter of an old merchant of spices, and he always offered to her the best of his service only to fall in a clumsy manner with some funny accents to impress her, that never failed to made her smile but the old father of both owners of the place did know better.

Even when he was crashed by a vehicle so he had amputate his right arm, making him stop from working, he never failed to look for his two adult kids, for the clumsiness of the older and the insight of the young red head son, it was obvious for him that the maid was visiting that picturesque place, a new mix up between a tailor and a toy shop always full of clients, only to watch the adult and attractive Jason at work, she tried every time to get the red head attention only to end up being amused by the older borther of dark hair, beacuse the one she wanted never paid attention more that as another client towards her.

As a routine everyday was the same, with the young maid going to the crowded shop trying to make those yellowy eyes laid on her, only to get the attention of the emerald ones, day by day was the same until finally the older brother to his initiates twenty-five years proposed marriage to her, as a woman like herself, made of time and manners, could not refuse, the position of his family was more than acceptable and reject it clearly would cause Jason to hate her, without hesitation she accepted and a month later the marriage took place.

Accepting her since the day of the wedding as part of the family Jason swore to repair, he was glad to know that she wanted them to continue living together under one roof, his family was not going to fragment anymore, from now on it was to grow, again being the big family he lose some time ago, maybe he could not need more fix only enjoy the happiness that this new big family could give to him, and the joy of him was even greater when he knew that his brother and that beautiful lady were going to have a child, his family was getting bigger every time, his beautiful smile was a true one of happiness, afterall he was giving happiness to his family and those who ere around him and none of them would want to leave him.

Until sadly the summer of the following year, with a newborn son and even with a lot to live for, the oldest of the brothers after weeks of terrible pain, passed away due to a badly treated pneumonia, this only infuriated Jason more, waking up inside him that hate and angry part he though he was controling, again everything was going out of his hands, not only he lost his older brother but he knew also that doctor was guilty, If he was a real doctor how he could not help his brother? why he was in pain while the doctor only looked a pocket watch and recipe some medicines that never worked? A little idea formed in his mind, one full of hate and madness, this time there was a face of the guilty, and he could not keep seeing that same face again.

So one night, he followed the doctor arguing an apology with some drinks in a near pub, but before they could even walk to the talked place, Jason with his own hands and full of the anger he didnt control any more, he beat the poor doctor again and again, breaking his legs so he couldnt run, hurting his throat so he could scream, and repeating to him the same words again and again, that for his fault his family could never be repaired, and perhaps who needed repairs would be the doctor himself, that he didnt need to worry, that Jason could fix him.

Curiously enough no one anything about the doctor, even the local newspaper argued a break of him for the guilty in him of the recent death of all his patients, but in an unrelated event, The younger ToyMaker on a single week had managed to make new inspiration to make different and new kind of toys, all with a happy theme and even better quality doll unique in its class, while the sell was growing some people notice Jason muttered to himself, almost like talking alone or with his tools, something about finally gave what it deserve to make someone happy, each time he sold one of these toys a different smile was in his face, but nobody gave him more attention, because everyone believed that he maybe was blaming himself by the death of his brother, feeling compassion for the poor toymaker, but how wrong they were.

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