7. Last wish

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When he woke up again, he was tied to one of the tables where he always saw Jason working on a new toy for the kids that keep visiting the wonderful paradise of toys just above him, but his train of toughs collapse when a familiar sound made place on the room, quickly fear invaded him when Jason's voice whispered in his ear, announcing what was his destiny, become one more of the collection, and was his own decition which collection he will be part of, the broken never fix that are left in the room he had to see or the beautiful delilcate colection he has upstairs with the best ilumination and decoration only for the best, after all its was the only way he would ever separated from Jason again, showing that Jason only had to do it for him, because he knew he was broken inside and that it was his job to fix it. 

As a last request and knowing he wont survive under the claws of this monster he wanted to know what had been the fate of the green-eyed little boy who used to be part of the picturesque family, while fixing his tools as everytime he worked in his precious toys and dolls Jason only responded with a loud laugh, with a mock sound The monster talked about how he was no longer an infant, and how he had a good life up there, and ofcourse that while he would behave, there would be no need to do the same with him.

Filled with despair he tried to reason with Jason maybe going through his mind or heart he could find a last piece of the good man he saw the first time they talked, but little him didnt know was that Jason was lost long time ago, and there was nothing there to ask for, he tried with all his breath and brain, about how sooner or later he would be discovered and how a friend to the young last piece of family he had will go against him for this, about how the years would age and make him fail or how someone could finally kill him trying to escape, even maybe return the favor of so many deaths that he provoked, but again all effort was useless, Jason just responded with a laugh.

Out of nowhere a small black spot approaches in the dark, with a familiar melody, but this time with a twist horrible and scary beat, the sound freeze the poor man heart and mix with the twisted expression in Jason face made the scene just abhorrent, until the before black spot walk to him and finally he under the light saw to his horror a small doll walking by itself as if it was full of life, with red hair tide up in a ponytail and yellow buttons as eyes that shine under the poor light, decorated tenderly with a beautiful brown dress obviously handmade and with lots of details, you could almost think it was alittle person rather than a doll, but he notice something weird, She carried a small blue musical box, which Jason quickly took from her hands and showed it to him as if it were a valuable treasure, from that place the music was comming off.

Expressing to the scared man with rejoicing how thanks to that little object he doesnt have to worry anymore, how a little gift that he could never give to his older brother or his little nephew, or for whom he had originally intended to give the gift so many years ago, his mother, was the answer to all those doubts the man wonder about Jason, about how that little blue thing make that beautiful tune that his family used to sing every night to cheer up the mod before sleep, about how there would be nothing to worry about, not for him at least.

He for sure worked alot that night, and soon he had a new piece to his collection, and he know that wasnt enough, but when he went upstairs and being careful as always about the only employee of that lonly place he search for the only room that still full of life and he place a soft kiss in the forehead of his already asleep nephew, inside him hopping for something better for him, he was afterall the last piece of his family and wanted to fix him if he need to, but what hurt Jason more was knowing he would never have something as a family again, no as the monster he is, even tho that put a smile in his face, that may means after all he could manufacture his own family the way he wish but first he needed to find how to start, so he needed to find the one and only.

And so the years passed for Jason seeing the world change around him, and ofcourse he never raised suspicions, because years later the town where he had moved became a lonly ghost town, and his visits to Paris became boring, so he started travel to more places, trying to find something that could satisfy his need of something new and the cornerstone that help him make what he desire the most, but human after human and doll after doll any of them could fullfit what he wanted to find, so he start to chase after any kind of thing that could help him in his search, he even ended up obtaining in his hands an old bewitched door that allowed him to go wherever he wanted, so his personal collection of Dolls began to increase and multiply more and more, but he knew that something was missing, something there wasnt right, the monster outside cage the human he used to be, and even some of his dolls told him how  he could never find what he wanted, how he could never know what was, and for years it didnt bother him at all.

Until one day on the year 1994 full of anger and annoyance for another fail broken doll he went to his own room and broke everything inside, his rage wasnt calm after that last doll, so what was missing? what was the part he still try to find and cant have a clue it excisted at all? then his little precious doll and friend went to that room with the blue music box, maybe that could easy his mod? it didnt, Jason just take the blue music box and put it in the nightstand then proceed to easy his anger agains the poor doll, after destroying his precious doll with red hair and brown dress, he saw with teary eyes what he just did, the only memory of his loved and dearest mother was gone, all by his fault, tehre is nothing left for him, anyone for him, not even a friend to call or family to hug, he was alone, forgotten, and without that piece he wanted to find.

With a broken voice and teary eyes he begged to anyone who could hear him for a second chance, to find his way again, so he could find that something he was looking for, so he would remove that desperation that only led him to destroy everything that came close to him, he didnt want to be alone again, to be ignore, to be useless, to get ride of that anger and madness which led him to do all that pain not only to those who were hurt like him but to everything he saw, and his prayers were hear, an unknow force punch his chest from the inside and made him fall deeply asleep in his own bed.

And that was how in one night he forgot everything he was and who he was, everything he did and all the old pain he had, just to keep the monster he still tries to dominate inside.

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