Chapter 2

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As soon as we walked into my garage I realized that my house isn't exactly clean, nevermind my room as well...It looks like a tornado of clothes went through it. I haven't been inside all day to be honest. I am a little sunburned on my shoulders. I don't want Nat & Alex to think me & my family are pigs or something... "Before we go in, I just would like to apologize in advance for my messy house." I say nervously.

"Oh no problem, we all make messes at some point." Nat said with a smile. He is just such a sweet guy. I am only 14 but he makes me feel safe already. I open the door and step in. I'm ready for the judging to begin. I look down at the floor and step in more for Nat & Alex to come in.

"Taylor if you call this house messy, then you must be insane." Alex said with a laugh. I giggled and looked up. The sweet smell of Shepards Pie still baking in the oven.

"Mom?" I called her name out.

"In the kitchen Tay!" We walked through the spotless living area, and into the kitchen. It smelled so good! "Hey Taytortot!" my mom said to me with a smile on her face when we walked in.

"Aww that's a cute nickname Taylor!" Nat said.

"Haha thankssss." I say back and stick my tongue out. He sticks his tongue out back at me. "Oh mom, This is Nat & Alex Wolff"

"Nice to meet you boys! My name is Melanie."

Lillie came in a couple minutes later and put her little 4-year-old butt on the seat. She was really sweaty. "Lillie, why are you so sweaty?" Nat asked.

*Lillie panting* "I was seeing how fast I could run to the slide after I got off so I was racing myself." she said in her little girl voice. Alex and Nat both took seats at the table across from eachother.

"Wow Lillie, you must have been running fast! I'm Alex by the way." Alex said with a smile.

"Oh I know Taylor talks about you a lo.." Lillie was saying but I was swishing my hand over my neck as in "don't do that anymore." she obviously didn't get it because then she asked me "Sissy what are you doing, what does this mean?" and she motioned my actions. I just turned around and started walking away.

"I'm going to get another chair." I say casually and I pick up a chair out of the livingroom to bring it into the kitchen. I placed it right between where Nat and Alex were sitting. "So what brings you guys to New Hampshire?" I say as my mom served us.

"Oh Alex you were going to tell her." Nat said looking over at his brother who already had food in his mouth. He swallowed and took a sip of water.

"Drumroll please..." He said in an anouncing voice. Nat and I quietly patted our hands on the table for a drum roll...."Ms. Taylor Mason..." he said slowly. "YOU ARE THE WINNER OF THE BOSTON CONCERT CONTEST!!!!!!!" He said loudly.

"Wait?! WHAT?!" I say excitedly. I put one arm around each of them and pull them in for a hug. "I like never win contests or giveaways so I think it was mean't to be this one that I was supposed to win." I say as he move out of the hug.

"Melanie, by the way this food is realllyyy good." Alex said.

"Thanks hun!" she said back.

"Mom what time is dad going to be home?" I asked between chewing.

"Dad will be home in about a half an hour. Do you mind watching Lillie tonight because we might go out." said mom.

"Yeah sure mom." I replied

After we finished eating Alex asked Nat "Do you want to go get our stuff?"

"Sure! We will be right back." he said.

"Wait you guys are staying, here?" I asked.

"Yeah if that's fine with you Taylor" Alex joked.

"Yup that's fine." I said with a giggle.

Nat & Alex went out to their car.

"Mom what about my room?"

"What about your room honey?"

"Is it clean?"

"Of course it's clean I did it myself."

"Oh okay good. Thanks mom."

"Hey why don't you go help Nat & Alex with their things? It's the least you can do."

"Your right mom." I said. I slipped on my flip flops and ran outside to the limosine just parked on the side of the road closest to my house.

I saw Nat unloading all of the bags outside of the trunk of the limo. I saw two guitar cases, two suitcases, and a duffel bag.

I picked up the duffel bag and asked them, "Do you mind if I take this one?"

"No not that one!!" Alex exclaimed.

"Okay, okay.." I said frantically as I carefully put down the bag. "I'm guessing there is some crystal meth aka rock candy in that bag Alex." I say making "A Birder's Guide to Everything" Referance (Alex is in that movie btw, he makes a lot jokes and it's hilarious)

"Haha very funny." he said with attitude.

"No the funny thing is that I've only seen that movie once." I say and stick my tongue out at him.

Alex and I kept going back and forth then Nat joined the conversation.

"What are you guys even talking about?" he asked confused.

"You've never seen A Birder's Guide to Everything?" I said.

"Nope." he said.

"Wow I'm surprised Nat speaking of the fact that I'm in it!!" Alex said escalating into his usual loud self.

"Sorry dude. I guess I've gotta watch that at somepoint." Nat said sighing.

"If only it were on Netflix..." I say hopeful.

"Yeah I know right!" Alex said.

"Well we should get your stuff inside. I think it is supposed to rain tonight.


Sorry it took me longer than I expected to post chapter 2. Wow! Already 17 reads! On Chapter 1 alone!!! That is so amazing thanks guys!! Tell me if you like this story in the comments! Don't forget to vote as well! (:


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