Chapter 4

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Well I have just embarrassed the crap out of myself. What am I supposed to do now?! They now probably think that I'm like a stalker or creepy or something...I need a comeback like right now. Think Taylor think...Well I can't think of anything, so I guess I will check Instagram. My feed finally loads and I see I have some notifications that somebody has followed me. I check the notification and it says "Natandalex has started following you" 3 seconds ago. Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god. I need to delete my mcm picture of Nat & Alex because the caption is really embarrassing...Before I could delete it I see a notification pops up again it says "Natandalex liked your photo" of course it HAD to be the mcm picture...Of course...I feel my face turning the color of a ripe tomato, as I scrolled through my feed. Then I get another notification. What could it be this time, I wonder. "Natandalex commented on your photo" I tapped it so it would bring to the picture so I could see the comment. " awww thanks Taylor! This is so sweet and thoughtful! We should probably like watch a movie or something, I'm bored hbu? ***Alex***"

I quickly respond back saying, "Yeah I'm pretty bored. Oh and your welcome, anytime my friend!:p"

I could sense Alex looking at me so I looked up and smiled. I reached over to the other side of the couch to grab the remote.

"So what do we wanna watch?" I ask to break the silence.

"I don't know. Whatever is on I guess." Alex said looking at his phone, then he locked it and put it into his pocket.

"I think New Girl is on can we watch that? It's my favorite show!" Nat said.

"Sure!" I said.

I switched the channel and sure enough "New Girl" was playing on the TV.

We all sat on the couch. We each had one cushon to sit on. Alex sat to my left and Nat sat to my right, as I was sitting in the middle.

"I'll be right back." I say as I head up the stairs. I need to change into my sweatpants because now I just need to feel comfy. I quickly take off my bottoms and slip the sweatpants on. I walk back down the stairs and sit back on the couch. Then the channel changed to this movie I had never heard of before. All I saw was a boy who did not know how to speak english, peeing on a dance floor.

"Well this movie...looks um...interesting." I say with a laugh. I had never seen this movie before but now I kind of want to watch it.

"Yeah it does..." Nat said with a smirk that was directed to Alex. I had no clue what they were doing but who knows?

I looked at the program guide it said the movie title was "The Sitter"

In the movie: I see a boy with bangs across his face leaving what looks to be a party when he bumps into someone. Then ALEX WAS ON THE SCREEN. My jaw dropped probably at least 50 feet. His hair, his outfit, his face, his voice was perfect. Then him in his character started yelling at the other boy with the bangs. "No we don't!...You don't do anything!" Alex's character, Clayton said. The guy next to "Clayton" then said "Stop calling and texting him all the time it's weird!"

Then it seemed like the scene ended. I looked over to Nat to see that he had been recording me with his phone. Then I heard the recording stop as I paused to Tv.

"I'm so glad I got that all on video!" he said laughing.

Alex was sitting next to me laughing as well. I hit him playing fully on his arm.

"You knew he was doing that!" I said now laughing myself.

"Of course!" he said still laughing.

"This is going on Instagram!" Nat said as his laugh just turned into a giggle.

"Haha, no it's not!!" I said back.

"Oh yes it is!" Alex said as he took his brother's phone to watch the video. I looked over at Nat's phone in his hand as I rested my chin on Alex's shoulder to watch the video. I look so drawn into the tv until Alex shows up onto the screen I see myself look over at him in shock. I kept on watching just starring at the perfection that I was witnessing upon my television screen. When the scene ended I just noticed Nat was recording me and then he stopped it. Nat and Alex both started laughing again. Me I just sat there like I don't know these people...I'm just kinda glad that they are equally as weird as I am.

I see that my phone lights up that Nat tagged me in something on Instagram. It was the video of me surprised of course. The caption said "Taylor's first reaction to Alex being in The Sitter 😂 Please don't hurt us love yah Tay! 😘"

I liked the video and locked my phone. "I will probably get you guys back sooner or later." I say with a evil smirk. I looked at the tv and unpaused it. All of the people were getting into a car and driving off. The little girl in the front seat had wayy too much makeup on and the two boys in the back were fighting. The boy who doesn't speak english through the boy with bang's fanny pack out the window. Which had his pills in it because apparently he has "serious issues". The guy in the driver's seat who was played by Jonah Hill stopped the car. Nat and Alex were watching almost as intesely as I was. The boy with bangs ran out of the car but the pack with the pills in it flew into a river. The driver got out after the boy. They were screaming back and forth until the driver blurted out "Slater, you're gay."

Ohh so his name was Slater gotcha, I thought.

"TAKE THAT BACK NOAH!" Slater screamed. This is all making sense to me in a way now.

"You no maybe your buddy Clayton doesn't want to hang out with you anymore because you have special feelings for him that he may not feel back." Noah said now calm.

"Awwwwww" I said almost in tears. That poor kid. He only looked 12 or 13 years old and he was so lost. I would want to give him a hug. I looked over at Alex still watching the tv and he looked over at me. He could see my face melting away in pity for this kid. I did feel bad for him though. I'm glad Nat decided to cheer us up at that moment

"But who wouldn't love Alex Wolff? Seriously?" he said hoping to get a laugh out of us.

"Yeah I know right! Just look at that lucious curly hair!" I say tagging along and messing up Alex's hair.

"Hayyyyyy!" Alex said.

"Sorry." I said with a chuckle.

After the movie ended we all went upstairs to our rooms. I walked into my room and crashed on my bed. I fell into a deep sleep...


Guys I have 85 reads already that is soooo crazyy!!! Thank you guys so much for reading my story! If you liked this chapter please vote and comment!(:


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