Chapter 14

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I walked over to the edge of the pool to jump off the diving board. I walked way back straight from where I was going to jump. I counted down to myself in my head "3, 2, 1..." I thought to myself and I started running at full speed. But, right before I was in the air I felt two arms wrap tightly around my waist as we jumped in. I felt a scream and a laugh come out at the same time as soon as I felt the cold water touch my feet. The laugh was mostly because the person who wrapped their arms around me it tickled a bit but it also startled me. The water sounded me as I sank all the way to the bottom of the 8' pool. I make my way to the surface to see a very satisfied Alex Wolff with a smirk on his face. "Screw you Alex!" I say annoyed and I splash water at him.

"Whatever." he says laughing and I roll my eyes. I see Nat laughing and having his phone out as if he was taking a video. I quickly swam over to Nat and said,

"You just recorded that didn't you?" I say

"Yup." he says simply popping the "p". The water was actually freezing and when the breeze came along I found myself shivering.

"It's too frickin cold." I say strongly with a laugh. I see Alex swim over to

me and he hugs me from

behind. It was warm but, cold at the

same time. He freed his arms from around me and I let myself sink all the way down. The water felt warm under but cold on the surface. I slowly made myself go up to the surface once again. "Colllddddd" I say to myself again. I then decide to get out of the pool and dry off. Alex decided to stay in with Lillie. Those two goofballs seemed to be having the time of their lives in there. I layed down on my belly on a lounge chair and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I was just soaking in the sun when I felt two cold hands rubbing my back. I quickly turned my head to see who was there. It was nobody other than Nat.

"Sorry if I scared you. You looked like you were starting to burn." he said genuinely.

"Oh thanks." I say with a smile. I put my head back down and close my eyes again. I decided to put on some music as Nat rubbed the sunscreen on my back. I put my earbuds in and I decided to listen to Nat and Alex performing some songs live from this year. I had a whole playlist of different songs I had "Disappointed", "Lullaby", "Thump Thump Thump", "I Won't Love You Any Less", and even some NBB songs that they performed at some shows. I heard the screaming fans as they started playing the songs and I was thinking to myself. What if someone else won that contest and not me? Would Nat and Alex act the same? How do I know I'm not just another fan? I turn my head on the other side to see Nat sitting in the chair next to me on his phone. I look up at him and asked "What if someone else won the contest?"

"What?" he asked me as I took one of my earbuds out.

"What if someone else won the contest? Would you guys especially Alex be acting that way towards another girl than just me?" I clarify for him.

"What way?" Nat asked kind of innocently.

"So I guess a kiss on the lips doesn't mean anything to you." I say rolling my eyes and unlocking my phone and played the music once again. Nat took my phone out of my hands as I was watching Alex's witty personality take control as he performed "Lullaby". "Heyyy!" I said trying to grab my phone from him. But he was taller...and faster than I was, so I just gave up. I still had one of my earbuds in so I took it out and Nat looked at what I was watching and put his earbuds in.

"Oh I remember this! This I think is from April. Yup, I remember because..." Nat said but got interupted by his own laughter.

"What? What happened?" I asked interested of what he was saying but he kept laughing.

"Nothing." Nat said now calming down. I sat there for a few moments as I see Alex and Lillie come up to us.

"Hey guys." I say squinting my eyes from the sun.

"I'm ready to leave." Lillie said.

"Okay, let me just see what time it is." I say and got my phone back from Nat. I looked at the time and it sayed 1:30pm. Wow we were there for a good 5 hours. Since I was dry I put my shirt and shorts back on and we went back to the car. As we were walking down back to the car a familiar face reconized me.

"Hey Tay." the boy said with a smile.

"Oh hey Marvin" I say awkwardly but I smile back.

"I saw that livestream the other night, I thought your singing was amazing." He said.

"Really? Thanks!" I beamed. "Well I guess I'll see you at work!" I said and continued walking.

"Yeah see you around!" He said. I walked for a few moments back to the car as I was almost there and Nat and Alex were already there loading up the car and standing outside waiting for me. Before I make it completely back I hear that familiar voice once again. "Wait, Taylor!" Marvin says jogging to catch up with me as we were standing right in front of the car and Nat and Alex were kinda watching because I could feel it that they were starring.

"Yeah?" I say turning around at him. He rubbed the back of his neck and said "So, are you going to the employee party next weekend?" He asks me.

"Yeah, of course! Why?" I say as I am thinking of what he might say.

"Well, I thought maybe we could go together." he said. I didn't think that it was real life right now. I must be dreaming. I just have to be. But, on the other hand I was squealing inside. But, I played it cool.

"Yeah, sure that sounds awesome! You can come pick me up at 2:30 since the party starts at 3:00." I say to him casually.

"Sounds great! Well I'll see you at work I've gotta go!" he says.

"Yeah same here." I say laughing as I pointed to the car.

"See ya!" he says as he joggs back to the pool area and I get into the car.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I was gone for a week! I have writers block especially for this part of the story so there might be some skipping in parts just because I have so many ideas for further on in the story. But I would like to thank you guys for 700 FREAKING READS OMG! That is so incredible and I can't believe it!!!!

*IMPORTANT!* I am also proud to announce that...THERE IS A TRAILER FOR THIS FANFICTION ON YOUTUBE! You cannot watch it on mobile devices unfortunately but if you own a computer or tablet maybe then search "Which One? (Nat and Alex Wolff fan fiction)-TRAILER" on Youtube and you can hopefully find it! It took me at least 5 hours for me to edit it so hopefully the final product is worth it and I also do some acting in it as well that you see in it! :)

Well that's it for now guys Thank you for being such an amazing audience and reading my story it makes me really happy that people love this story! :)

QOTD: Have you ever been a Nat & Alex Concert or NBB concert?

AOTD: Never :(

-Tay ☆

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