Chapter 3

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Nat grabbed his suitcase and his guitar, Alex grabbed his guitar and the duffel bag. He tried grabbing his suitcase but he was struggling. "Here, let me get that for you!" I said as I pulled up on the handle to make it longer and rolled it through my driveway. We made it back inside just in time right before it started raining. "Okay lets bring your stuff upstairs to the guest room. We have an extra mattress if you would like. You guys can figure that out amongst yourselves." I said and we started heading upstairs. Luckily I had just a second before they came upstairs to shut my bedroom door. I just like my door to be shut unless if I'm in there. They made their way to the top of the stairs we passed by Lillie's room and they were right next door. My room was just right across from the guest room. We all walked inside and I placed Alex's suitcase against the wall. "Welcome to your suite!" I said in a happy voice.

"Thanks Taylor!" Nat said.

"Well I'll let you guys get settled in." I said as I started to back out of the room but Alex grabbed my wrist right as I turned around. I looked at him as my heart started to race fast. I mean it was Alex Wolff and he just grabbed my wrist.

"But really thanks, for everything Taylor." he said as he was looking at me but I was looking down. He still had a firm grip on my wrist and I looked up at him. I saw those gorgeous brown eyes starring at me happily. I quickly looked back down and he loosened his grip and closed the door. I walked downstairs and straight through the kitchen and through the livingroom. I made it directly outside and made it to the backyard. Then, I lost it. I started screaming "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" and jumping up and down. I ran around in circles a few times, still screaming, looking like a lunatic. When I was done I casually walked back inside and sat on the couch. "Yesssssss!!" I say in excitement and relief. A few minutes later my dad walked in the door.

"Daddy!" Lillie said excitedly as she went to hug our dad.

"Hi dad!" I said. I gave him a hug. He kissed me on the top of the head.

"How was your day?" He asked me.

"Great! I-" I got interupted by mom.

"We have guests." she said.

"Yeah they should be downstairs by now let me go check on them." I said. I went back upstairs and heard singing and beautiful sound of guitars being played in unison. I waited there for a second before knocking on the door. I wanted to hear them play that sweet music. After the song was over I knocked on the door.

"Just a second!" I heard Nat yell. I stepped to the side so they wouldn't get freaked out for me standing right in front of their door.

"Sorry I was just getting worried." I said when they opened the door.

"No worries, we were about to come down anyways." Nat said with a smile.

"I'm sure you were." I said jokingly. "But my dad is here I'm sure he would love to meet you guys!" I said. I walking in front and Nat put his arm on my shoulder.

"Your a really great armrest you know." he said as we went downstairs.

"It's only because I'm shorter than you!" I said back.

Alex caught up with us and put his arm on my other shoulder.

"Yeah it's true, you are a great armrest." Alex said.

"Ha, ha very funny." I say with sarcasm. We made it down to the bottom of the stairs and I see my parents all ready to go out for the night. "Dad, this Nat and this is Alex" I said as I introduced and identified for my dad who they were.

"Well Tay we best be going now we are going to our friends' out and possibly sleeping over so, do you think you will be alright? Just call me if there is an issue. We should be back in time to drop you off at work." my mom said quickly.

"Okay mom I will be fine. We will all be fine. Love you!" I say as I hug my mom and dad tightly.

Lillie went to bed about half an hour after mom and dad left. Nat, Alex and I weren't doing anything except playing on our phones. Nat & Alex were tweeting eachother and I could tell because I kept getting notifications on my phone that they were tweeting. Meanwhile, I was on Snapchat, taking snipes of Nat & Alex and sending them to my crazy bff's Chloe and Makena. Makena had no clue who they were and Chloe knew exactly who they were. She knew them from The Naked Brother's Band, and from me kinda talking about them non-stop.

"Taylor, your phone keeps going off, why is that?" Nat asked breaking the silence.

"Oh it's because you and Alex won't stop tweeting eachother." I say then turn red, realizing I just embarrassed myself in front of my um...idols. I quickly looked back down on my phone as I saw a really funny snipe of Alex and started dying. I couldn't control my cackling and wheezing and they gave me the wierdest looks. I quickly sent the snapchat and calmed down.

"Umm...What was that?" Alex asked awkwardly.

"Oh nothing" I said still giggling to myself. I looked back down at my phone as Alex gave me another wierd expression and went back to tweeting with Nat. I took a really ugly selfie quickly to send it to Makena. She sent another one back to me and I laughed once again. Wow, my laugh is so unattractive how can anyone stand it?!


Sorry it took so long for this chapter! I hope you liked it! If you did make sure to vote and leave your feedback in the comments!

Until next time,


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