Chapter 10

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Nat came over and sat next to me which was directly across from Alex. I brought my knees up and I casually had my wrists dangling down to my knees. I kept looking up and around their room just gazing at their posters.

"Wow we have really similar music tastes guys." I say still in awe.

"What kind of stuff do you listen to?" Nat asks me.

"Well my variety is pretty huge. I listen to anything and everything unless if it is country or screamo. I can't stand that stuff." I say.

"Well like what bands do you listen to?" Nat asks.

"Um. Well at the moment I have been listening to Arctic Monkeys, Vampire Weekend, Panic! At the Disco, The Beatles, Metallica, and The Pretty Reckless."

"I have heard of all of those bands except for last one." Alex says

"The Pretty Reckless?" I say kind of sarcastically.

"Yeah that one," Nat says. "Like what is their style of music?"

"Their most popular song is called Heaven Knows and they are like a punk/rock band. It's kinda hard to explain." I say

"Oh I got it." Nat said not too reasurring.

"I forgot the most important detail! You guys have seen "The Grinch" right? Not the cartoon." I say wanting to continue.

"Of course, why?" Alex asked pretty interested.

"The girl who plays "Little Cindy-Lou-Who" is the lead singer of the band." I say finally to see their reactions. Alex's jaw dropped probably about 50 feet.

"Your kidding." Alex said and waited for a second "Right?"

"Nope not kidding." I say. Nat was already on it researching her on his phone.

"Look her name is Taylor too!" Nat says smiling at me, Alex rolls his eyes. "She wears too much black makeup though."

"Ehh it's her style." I say and shrug my shoulders. "So what do you guys want to do?" I ask boredly.

"Let's play two truths and a lie!" Nat suggested.

"Yeah!" Alex agreed.

"But you guys are brothers so you guys would know what the lies are" I say

"Sooo, your point?" Alex said with a laugh.

"Alright lets play. Taylor you should go first." Nat said smiling.

"uh, alright." I say. "Two truths and a lie hmmm..." I say to myself. "Okay, I got them." I say after a few moments. " Okay so, I have been rejected 3 times by 3 different people, I got a detention for accidently my pencil flying across the room, orrr...I never played for the basketball team in middle school. Which one is the lie?" I say with a smirk.

"Uhh...I'm going to say that you never played for the basket ball team in middle school, because your skills aren't that bad." Alex said.

"I'm going to say that you got rejected 3 times from 3 different people, because you are too adorable for anyone to say no to." Nat said sweetly.

"Aww thanks dood! but sadly, you are both wrong." I say hesistantly.

"What?!" Alex said surprised.

"Yeah, I've never actually had a detention before." I say cracking up.

"Really?" Alex asked shocked. "You have never had a detention before?"

"Why, is there something I should know about Alex?" Nat asked him suspiciously.

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