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Days passed. It never stopped snowing so he always showed up. I didn't understand him. What was so beautiful about being in the cold and to play with little children? We were so different but I liked it.

One day there was something strange. The snow already melted and he didn't show up. I tried to find him with my eyes but I never really found him. Did I even searched for him?

Hours and days passed but he was gone. I hope he will be back soon. He was so interesting not like the other young adults I know. He was everything you can wish but still it wasn't enough for me.

I really can't believe to say this but I want the snow and the children back. If I just would scream to the sky would God listen to my words? But what did I do that he would make my wish come true? Nothing.

I've been sitting in front of the window quite long and I didn't realize how long I've actually been here. What was the reason? Why was I waiting? The better question is who was I waiting for? Somehow my mind is in the last time very absent but again what was the reason that I can't get a clear head? I went to the kitchen but my view still was at the window. It was like I would desire something that I didn't know. Was it really covetousness? I don't know and I couldn't know. Sometimes our own mind is playing tricks with you without even noticing it. It's so simple but so hard in the same time. You want it but you actually don't. You like it but actually hate it. What was the reason for the human brain?

What was the reason that we keep talking even if our words lost their meaning? Why do we still feel any kind of feelings if there aren't any? What is he feeling right know? Where is He? Will he come soon?

I took something out of the fridge so I could get a little bit more of the real life I'm living in. It was my favourite drink so I started drinking it but it felt so strange. I was thirsty but in the same time I wasn't. I was hungry but I couldn't eat. Everything is so queer. Something is wrong with me but would a doctor help me? Does a doctor know what I have? Those people are human and they can make mistakes too. Humans are made for mistakes just like the moon is made for the night and the sun is made for the day but was there a reason?

The world is meaningless.

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