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A cup of tea and I feel way better. My head hurts but I didn't know why. It was such an ugly pain. As ugly as the world. This was harsh maybe the world isn't as ugly as I think. I mean I saw my world in him. It was so fascinating. Sometimes it's hard to breath when something is stopping you. It's like someone is strangling you.

Everyday is strange. There couldn't be any wonders if no one is doing anything for that. How troublesome. No one will give you if you don't give. Isn't it weird?

What if you do nothing? Right nothing will come back but I don't care I'm just sitting and waiting for anything to happen.
Nothing will ever happen.

That's all I know. After drinking my tea I threw the cup into the sink. It's been two days since I haven't left my house. Today I'm going for a walk in my favourite park. It isn't that cold anymore so I don't have to throw on something warm.

Finally spring is near. I put on my shoes and went to the door. Before I opened it I put on my jacket and checked if I had the key.

After I opened it the fresh air blew through my hair. It was really refreshing. I locked the door and went to the street.

As always everyone is unmotivated. It's a new trend of humans to be sad even if there is nothing to worry about. I think I would never understand others. They have everything but are unthankful. What a pity. They are having jobs, a family and enough money for food. So why do they want more?

It's the human nature. We want the things we can't have. We can get blind of jealousy. It's so disgusting. No one is thinking anymore. All they want is more and more. What if they have everything they wanted? They still wouldn't be pleased. Silly.

I'm not different. I want the things I can't have. I want the love I don't deserve. I want everything of him. He is the only one that could make my silly heart complete and who knows maybe one day my wish will come true. When will the opportunity come?

The world is questionable. You will never know what will happen and forget what already happened. It's always so absurd. So unpleasant. 

There is a big question mark written on my face.

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