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It is so strange. The feeling of a warm home even if it's so cold in the outside. People can be so different. It's like everyone around me is unnacassary. Like my mind only wants to see that one person who gives me that warm vibe. Everything is so much better than the reality when I look into his eyes. They spread so much affection and warmth. Whenever you look into them they seem to show you the night sky with all the stars and beauty even if you never really looked deep into his eyes.

Love is such a complicated term. Once your hearts meet they are connecting as one but our world tries to show us that this connection is stupid. If you watch TV you can clearly see that every series has something to do with alcohol, sex and cheating. They make us stupid and soon we will think it's normal to cheat on your partner - something that used to be unthinkable is now the reality. No one really understands anymore what "love" is.

I started to think about the love that I gave and people gave me. I should be ashamed. I think I never was a good person. I never gave someone that what they need. Why is that so? Because the series I watched showed me only hate, that love is only a joke and can be thrown away. They made me stupid aswell. Who is going to show me the love I should give? What actually love can make. And as soon as you can blink you see people being addicted to the juice of the devil. They think every single thing is a reason to get drunk only because they have grief. Not just adults also children. Even if they don't understand the real pain life gives you. They are young and adopt everything they see. Maybe from their parents or, as I already said, those TV shows that are trending by children and young adults.

The same thing with depression. They copy those people who are really suffering those people who have really bad scars but do they care? No they just want to be the center even if they have parents, enough food, a belonging that is no one's business. People forget things for attention. It's disgusting how people can make a sickness to a joke.

I was very deep in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that I got messages from someone.

I'm back ^-^~

His way of texting is very cute even if I don't understand why he is so happy or is he hiding something?

Everything seems ugly in this world even if it's actually not that bad.

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