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This chapter may be a little bit rough because sometimes you need to speak your mind out if something bothers you. I'm sorry if you expect something else but I can't keep it for me anymore.

I'm dreaming. I'm running. I'm running in an neverending dream. I'm dreaming in a marathon of hell. There is no exit now if I am directly I am mean. If I shut up everyone is going to force me in saying something. If it's wrong they have fun if it's right they are going to say I'm mean. How can I stay positive in such an ugly world? I want to smile whenever I want. I don't want to hide anymore. How does he manages to be so happy even if this whole world is so unnecessary?

Maybe I should ask him.

Uhm... May I ask you for advise?

Yeah sure what is it? ^-^

So... How are you always so happy and nice? Isn't there anything that bothers you?

Oh well... Of course there are things that bother me. One day you will start to forget the people you love and start missing the ones who doesn't deserve it. You are going to change the way you think as soon as someone insults you, well at least I did.

Really but you seem so innocent...

Yeah believe it or not but I was as lost as you are right now ^^

But... Your personality is so wonderful how did you manage too handle all of that?

Well of course I had some thoughts I would say that are stupid so I started to rethink everything. What was worth it? I always thought. There were some days I could jump off from a roof or just hang myself and on some days it was easy to stop all these thoughts. I had a lot of problems and stuff but I keep living I tried things I would never do just like babysitting I used to hate everything and everyone but I just needed something to clear my head. So I started to do all those things I would never do and I felt much better. I felt like everything around me was colorful even if my life used to be a mess. Now I love everything ^^

What was your problem?

My best friend killed himself and everyone pointed and joked around that it was my fault

I can still hear them laughing and joking even if I'm already away from them I can't sleep at night there is always someone laughing while I'm crying

Please don't cry! :(

Don't worry! I will only for you shed my tears!

You are so sweet ;///;

Anyways what bothers you?

it's not that hard like yours

It doesn't matter. I'm here to listen to your words just like you did.

Well I used to have a better life than I have now i'm not going to say something more because I really don't want to bother you

Start doing something you would never do it helped me

There is nothing I can do

Talk to the boy you are always staring out of your window

What did he just write? I'm not dreaming right?

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