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I was very focused on my studies that I didn't even hear the doorbell ringing over and over again. I stood up and went to the door to open it. My heart stopped beating for a moment.

It was him. What does he want from me? Why is he here?
"Excuse me Miss", he started smiling, "but we got an emergency"
I was very confused.
"What emergency?", I asked.
"Well, I was playing with those kiddies and..."
He pushed a little boy in front of him.
"Can he visit your bathroom?"
He just stood there smiling like an angel with his hands on the child's shoulders. I nodded and showed this little boy were the bathroom was.

"You can come in if it's too cold outside", I offered him. He bowed and came in.
"Thank you very much. That is very friendly of you"
His smile is everything to me. He took his jacket off and sat on my couch.
"Don't worry if he takes long he has to hatch an egg", he started laughing. It really was as beautiful as I expected.
"Do you want something to drink while you're waiting?", I provided him. He nodded and I went to the kitchen.

I felt so strange. What was this feeling? I never felt like this before I hope I'm not sick or something like that. I took a glass out of the shelf and filled it with water. When I came back to him the boy still wasn't there. I swear if he has diarrhea I'm about to hurt someone. I gave him the drinking glass.

Again he smiled at me. He has such a wonderful smile. It was warm like a summer day. Should I really ask him about his name?
"Uhm...What is your name?", I asked.
"My name is Jungwoo nice to meet you" He offered me his hand and I shook it.

"Tell me now what you name is!", he requested me.
"We can go Jungwoo Hyung!"
The boy just came in the right moment. I actually didn't want to tell him my name. I don't want him to know who I am.

I attended them to the door.
"Thank you again"
I loved his smile.
"No problem"
They waved me until I closed the door. My heart was pounding like never before. I didn't know how to handle this kind of feeling. My gaze got stuck on something that was on the floor. He probably had lost it when he threw on his jacket. It was a little key chain of the anime One Piece. It's cute somehow.

I hope I can have it forever.

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