Chapter 7

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The cool breeze that passes from the open window brushes through me, the curtains swaying with sync.

I am currently in my bed lying flatly with the same clothes from the school I wore; when I arrive at home I immediately go to my room and lay down.

Luckily when I arrive my parents aren't still home yet, I don't want them to see me all down.

My thoughts brought me to what happen earlier, to what happen in the school.

Now most of the school thinks I'm in a relationship with that shit.

Suddenly my phone buzzed off indicating that I have a call, I look up to my table where my phone was placed, I just look at it buzzing for a few moments before I reach it out and see who it was.

Calling Kookie :P

I had double thoughts in accepting it or just ignore it, I just really don't want to talk to anyone right now, but also I felt guilty because I just ignore him earlier.

He's your best friend you should accept it.

I know but I just want to be alone.

He'll help you, that's what best friends are for.

After a few arguments with my thoughts I decided to accept the call.

I click the green button and placing it on my ear.

"Soo Jung! What the hell was that!?" I wince at his loudness but release a soft giggle, then it all fade when I realize why he's calling me.

"It was nothing" I lied; It was really something, something that shouldn't have happen.

"Oh, okay, so Jimin the 'Bad Boy' saying 'Babe' to my best friend is nothing" He said in a mocking voice "Tell me the truth Soo Jung" he demanded.

I know I could never lie to him and I don't lying so I just decided to tell him the truth, I sigh first before explaining.

"Well ..." I trailed off thinking on where to begin.

"I'm waiting" He said with a stern voice.

"Ahhm k, me and Jimin were at detention then the teacher was out so I decided to ask him why did he push Kang Jun and slam him ..." I started then explain everything to him on what happen, Everyhting.

"Oh okay, now I get it" He said then I just sigh.

"What should I do?" I ask him sounding a bit desparate.

"Ahhm, I think you should just say yes" He said then a new form of anger boiling in me.

"What!!" I shouted and I can feel that he wince in my loudness. "I will not agree to him, I will not let him use me!" I added.

"Soo Jung as you say he said that he will not use you, you are just there to help him" He said softly sounding like he is really pushing me to say 'yes' "And besides what if Jimin isn't really the Bad Boy we know"

"Jungkook, as far as I remember you hate Jimin, and now why are you on his side?" I said with a confuse tone.

"Ahhm, I am not in his side, im just stating the truth and the possibilities"

Now that made no sense at all, what happen to Jungkook hating Bad Boys?

"Ahhm ok?" my respond turns out to be a question.

"Ok, I gotta go I still have to do some important things k bye" he said hurriedly then he ended the call.

I remove my phone in my ear and put it on the table, I release a stress sigh before standing up and stripping my clothes off.

I decided to change my clothes and take a short shower, I smell so sweaty.

When I finish stripping off, I immediately get in the bathroom and take a short and quick shower.


After a few minutes showering, I step out of the bathroom with my towel around, little droplets of water falling from my wet hair.

I take some sweat pants and plain shirt.

When I was getting my sweat pants, I heard my phone buzz now indicating that I have a new text message from someone.

I finish first putting my sweat pants then I walk closer to my table drawer,  I grab my phone and see who texted me.

          Unknown #
Say 'yes' or face my doom.
- thanks for that Strip Show, I had fun. ;)
P.S. better close that window of yours next time ;)

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