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*Elizabeth's POV*

I set my backpak on the sofa.

He went over to his desk and sat down in his chair. Let's remind ourselves that this is the only chair in this room. So I just looked at the room awkwardly. Grayson chuckled at my actions then smirked and damn he looked hot.

"Soooo... should I get a chair from another room or.." I asked quietly.

"Oh no, there's no need for that. You can just sit on my lap." He said patting his thigh.

My face went red and I'm pretty sure I looked like a tomato. First of all I had zero experiences with boys, even though Grayson isn't a boy, he's quite a man, so I had no idea how to respond to that. Second of all he's my goddamn teacher and I really think that this is a bad idea. But for some strange reason I still got excited.

"Mr. Dolan I really think that this is a bad ide-"

"It's Grayson to you and it's fine, I insist. C'mon" he said as he rose from his seat and walked over to me. He wrapped his hand around my wrist, but not in a painful manner. My legs had a mind of it's own when the walked with him as he led us over to his chair.

Grayson sat down and pulled me down with him. I was now sitting on his lap and had a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I don't know if it was possible but I think that I blushed even harder.

"See Liz that wasn't that bad now was it?" He asked while wraping his arms around me. You could hear the smile in his voice.

I felt warm at use of his nickname for me. It was like I was under a spell. His spell. Everything felt nice. I kinda zooned out, daydreaming about Grayson.

Realizing that I'm still sitting on his lap snapped me out of it and I remembered that I didn't even answer his question.

"N-no" I managed to stutter out.

I tried to remind myself why I'm even here.

The lessons. Right. I suck at chemistry.

Knowing that I'll probably need my textbook, I tried to wiggle out of his grasp and off of his lap.
Key worf: tried.

Grayson groaned lowly and tightened his hold on me. I stopped wiggling in his lap and felt something poking my behind.

The heck is that? He's probably shifting his legs or something.

"Stop that" he said, sounding like he's in pain.

I know I'm not the skinnies girl in the world but am I that heavy?

"Stop what?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Stop... moving around" he managed to say through gritted teeth.

"But I'll need my textbooks an-" I protested

"We'll take mine, don't worry" he said while reaching his arm out and opening the first drawer, making his arm veins visible. Hot.

Grayson took out a textbook and a chemistry literature looking book. Bleh.

He set the items on his desk in front of us and leaned forward, making me lean forward too and opened his books.

He started to explain some basic things to me and I actually understood most of it. He also had some paper to solve, and we did it together and I was surprisingly good at it.

After a while I got tired and didn't think twice before leaning back into Grayson, wich already had his chin resting on my shoulder. He was quite warm and comfortable to sit on. I closed me eyes and I think he thought that I'm still listening, because he continued to explain some things I had no interest in.

You know that state when you're almost sleeping and you're kinda aware of the things around you? Well I was there at the moment.

And just before I let the darkness consume me, I felt a light kiss on my forehead.

But I probably imagined it, since I was almost asleep, right?


Lolool I feel so weird writing this

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Sorry for not updating.
Thank you for taking your time to time to read my story I don't know why you did but thank you. Also sorry about making this chapter short it's not like anyone is reading my book anyways. Read, vote, comment, share-whatever you want to
Gotta Zayn🏃

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