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Prowl gazed at his troops without any hit of emotion. Not that it wasn't uncommon for him, in fact the others expected him to act that way, but something was off about it today.....his expression was more a emotionless type of way.

The Battle strategist paced back in forth. His servos were clasped behind his back, his optics were cold. If he wasn't working with his own personal team, his air of command and stone attitude could strike fear into the spark of a wrecker.

But sadly this was his team.Optimus had assigned him to work with them...

why he wasn't sure.

As he paced a muffled laugh came from a red mech at the end of the line up, causing the paraxian to pause and glare at whom it came.


It had to be Sideswip. Already less then a solar cycle and the mech was at it again.

On seeing his commander's glare, the red mech silenced his laughing but a suspicious smirk was still plastered to his face plate. The white and black mech shook his helm and continued.

As far as teams went, he sure didn't have the best, but they got the job done.

Doing a metal headcount, Prowl glanced at each member sternly. At the beginning of the line, he had his right servo mech: Jazz, he was the closest thing he had to a best friend....or friend in general, although he didn't approve of his flirtacious attitude around femmes, but then again, everyone had their flaws. Next he had Drift, the ex-con whom Prowl was slightly suspicious of , but he had more then once proved himself in battle, and he was quite which was a plus....perhaps the twins should learn from him.

Then there was the Terror Twins......why in Primus was he left to deal with them....he would never know. This convinced him Primus existed and had a sense of humor, who else would find pleasure to his reactions to the twins...

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker: known for their deadly fighting and insanity on the field, and amoung the ranks known for their hazardous pranks, unfortunate for himself, they seemed to target him.

And last he had Starblaster: she was the only femme on the team, the white femme joined after she was rescued from Shockwave's lab and strangely enough was in a relationship with Sunstreaker....the two made a odd couple, on more then one occasion he had to separate them from killing one another....the most recent was less then a day, when she had him pinned to a table and was repeatedly beating him with a bar stool....although he was thankful that she didn't take part in the twins pranks, not since her sister disappeared around a vorn ago, it crushed both Starblaster and Jazz....but that is another story for another time.

After the long uncomfortable silence, Prowl stopped and stood at attention, servos still behind his back.

" We've been over this mission several times, you all know what to do, Stay together and rescue Ultra Magnus....any questions?"

To his surprise a servo shot up into the air. The paraxian raised a optic and nodded at the mech.

" Yes Drift, what do you have to say?" He answered calmly allowing the white and red mech to speak.

" Sir, what if we are successful in rescuing Commander Magnus but one of us is separated? " he asked, a slightly tone of worry in his voice. The battle strategist sighed, although quite, it was audible to the others surprise.

" May Primus be with them, we have a small window of getting out, which is a ground bridge from Chief Medic Ratchet. We can't risk the lives of others to go back and save them. As much as I hate to do this...But as you commanding officer, I'm ordering all of you not to go back if one of us is left behind." He said, keeping his face emotionless. The team members nodded slowly, their mood had changed to that of slight dread. Even Sideswipe smirk had disappeared. As much as they hated thinking it, there was always the chance of losing a team mate, and that always took a toll on everyone.

Picking up his data pad, the cop bot turned for the door and added;

" Get your stuff ready, we leave before the next solar cycle." There was no need or further explanation, his team knew what they had to do, so the black and white paraxian headed for the door. On his way out several of the bots pushed past him-correction Sideswipe pushed past him in a hurry to get one last cube of high grade before leaving. Drift calmly walked by and Jazz....well struted as always. Pulling his attention to his data pads, the battle strategist walked and worked, shutting everyone out.

A light touch on his arm caught him by surprise, turning his attention to where it came from. Starblaster was standing beside him, a concerned look was spreading across her face plate.

" Sir......may I ask you a question, not about the mission?"

The commanding autobot nodded. The white and silver femme sighed and closed her optics.

" Have you heard anything from my sister?" And asked quietly.

" Its been a vorn sir....and I-I can't feel her through our bond."

The hurt in her optics was obvious and the mech felt a small wave a guilt wash over him. If Jazz hadn't been so stricken by Starblaster's twin, he would have given up....years ago.

The paraxian shook his helm.

" Nothing yet, we're still looking. Now get some rest soldier."

The femme nodded and turned around, still seeming a little down from the lack if information on her missing sibling. Mentally sighing Prowl tucked his data pad under his arm and headed for his personal office.

" Oh....and one more thing!" He shouted turning around to face the white autobot who was quit a ways off.

" Try not to kill Sunstreaker.....until after tomorrow! We need him!"

Starblaster gave him a half smik and did a mock salute before jogging off.

Continuing his way to his office, Prowl couldn't help but notice a un-nerving feeling of dread that something horribly wrong was going to happen....


Yay!!! New book!!! I don't own TF only my oc's Starblaster, her Twin Nova belongs to SN_supernova my awesome twin!!!!!

Thanks for reading!

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