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" Its dark. Why is it dark? And why do I feel different? Why can't I recall what just happened. And somethings off.... It seems as if another source of energy is present..."

" Commander Prowl " a feminine voice spoke up, interrupting his thoughts in his thought sensors.

" Uh....what?  Who are you!? Are you in my spark or processors?!"

A moment of silence hung for awhile before the other bot answered.

" We are communicating through your spark." The voice replied calmly.

" Why?! My spark is private!"

" it was the only way to save you."

" Save me? From what?"

" You don't remember?"

" No...."

" You received a blow through you chassis, destroying you spark chamber and damaging you spark. Your systems couldn't function without the energy of another."

" So we bonded?"

" yes "

" And that was the only way to keep me from joining the all spark?"

" yes "

" Well if logic dictates that is was the right thing to do, then I trust Ratchet's judgment."

" Ratchet isn't here"

" Who was responsible for my.repairs?"

" I was."

" ok.. where's Ratchet?"

" I have no idea. I haven't heard that name for a long time. You're the first bot I've met in 400 years."

" ah, well then, I must refer to my first question. Where am I? And Who are you?"

" I can easily answer the first. I don't know where we are. And the second....well I would rather meet you in person. I'm only here? Well I need you to try to fully online. Its safer then me trying to do it."

" Acknowledged "

Prowl gave a week sigh and withdrew from the bond. Apparently he had to return to the land of the living.

The first thing Prowl saw when he onlined his optics....well optic. To his dismay, he found he could only use one, was a overweight cyber dog looking him dead in the eye. The t.i.c blinked several times as his processors and visions sensors returned to their normal function.

" Wha?" The mech rasped. The faint smell of chemicals filled his senses and the hum of his vent along with medical equipment rang inside his audio receptors.

" I see you finally came around." A soft gentle voice said from beside him. Prowl shuttered her optic from on to off several times trying to adjust to the light. When he could see clearly he rolled his optic and coughed.

" Could you please get you're cyber dog off me?" He asked horsely. The bot beside him hummed in response. To his surprise ( and relief ) a orange and white femme came over and lifted the silver beast off his chassis.

" I'm sorry about commander." The femme whispered softly as she lowered the dog to the floor."He's such a strange case, and he's not use to you yet."

The mech nodded painfully at the femme.

" Sounds like a mech I know." The cop said with a ghost smirk, trying to sit up. The bot frowned and placed a servo on his shoulder and pushed him down

" Don't. You aren't strong enough....sir. try to rest."

" Who are you?"

The bot gave a sad smile, but stood up straight.

" I am Commander Airstrike. Leader of the Airel Bots.....or I was."

Prowl looked at the femme in front of him. It was obvious that she was a airel bot, the two wings ( more like 1 1/2. We right was broken in half ) on her back gave that away. She was orange and white with silver and black accents, well save her right arm that seemed to be assembled by a spare spare parts. From his assumption, he assumed her to be about a foot or two smaller then himself, and about the same age.

" Your commander Airstrike? I thought HE was dead." The mech stated matter-o-factly. Airstrike sighed.

" It is illogical to assume one is dead because they go M.I.A"

That made Prowl almost smile. At least she was someone he could reason with.

" My apologizes." The bot said in a raspy voice. " I was informed about the matter many years ago. But I was certain Commander Airstrike was a mech "

The femme only shrugged.

" No-one ever asked who was behind the mask so I never bothered. Other bots just assumed."

The cop sighed in agreement and glanced at the wires connected to various parts of his frame.

" Are all these....necessary?" The mech asked with a wave of his servo. " These are quite....bothersome..."

" Would you like to bled to death internally?" The femme asked as she put a servo on her hip joint. Although he was without question superior, she was responsible for saving his life and was in charge over him for the time being. Prowl only raised a optic in question.

" No, I would not. What happened? Beside the obvious."

The femme bent over and gently laid a servo on a patch that covered his abdomen. A alien warmth shot through the cop bot causing him to blink in surprise.

" Probably just the wound..." the mech told himself. It was strange. That had never happened before.

" What? The odd feeling in you're side?" A feminine voice asked taking him once more by surprise.

" Uh....yes." Prowl stated giving her a weary look. " Forgive, I am not used to someone being....inside me." 

The femme only shrugged and turned her attention back to his injury.

" Here." She said, tapping the patch lightly, causing Prowl to feel the same thing. " Starscream burnt one of your main energon lines, so I had to replace it with my own. " Airstrike chatted, as if it was normal.

" You performed surgery on yourself?" The mech asked, somewhat shocked.

" Yes Sir." The airel bot answered. " And everything else was a simple fix....except your optics. I apologize that I couldn't save it."

Prowl tried to shrug but ended up moaning painfully. The femme's wings shot up in alert, but Prowl held up a servo.

" I-I'm fine....I-I just need some rest." He gasped, leaning back on the medical berth. The autobot femme nodded.

" That is most logical due to you're condition. Now I have several duties to attends, but I'll be back in exactly two hours to check on you."

Prowl was you tired to protest...(not that he wanted to) and nodded tiredly, watching he leave. This whole situation made his helm hurt...literally. He had just gotten shot in the helm, but his current deliema was strange. Never in a million years did he think he would have a bond mate, and yet, here he was, barely alive, bonded to a pretty femme, and well stranded. Overall he wasn't sure what to do. The only thing he was sure of was the glare her Cyber dog was giving him as Airstrike left the room.

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