Twenty Six

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Prowl watched as the femme standing in front of him stared at him, holding his gift to her chassis, emotions flooding through those big beautiful blue optics. Never taking his optics off her, he nodded.

" In all understanding yes. Commander Airstrike, I am asking to court you as a Paraxian." He answered, clasping his servos behind his spinal struts once more.

" don't have to court me." The airel bot whispered in a hushed voice, her gaze shifting to the ground.

" You never got a say in all this, so.please don't feel forced to do this....I understand if you want nothing to do with our bond. I'm sure once we get off this place, Ratchet can figure away around this...."

The saddened tone of the femme caused Prowl to frown.

Did she not want to be bonded? He did recall similar words being said between them, but from the pained look on her face plate, that didn't seem to be the case. Taking a step closer to the autobot, the t.i.c halted himself only inches away from her.

" Commander." He said in a authority, in hopes of her looking up, but that didn't work, she only repeated again; " That you don't have to do this."

The personal concern that she had for his own happiness touched him, and at that moment, a wave of emotions hit the battle strigist. Acting before thinking, which wasn't logical. The mech placed his thumb and fore-digital under her chin, forcing her to look at him.

" Airstrike " he announced through their bond, his own optic fixed on her.

" If I didn't intent on courting you, I would have informed you the moment I figured out we were spark mates." He said softly, giving her a rare genuine smile, and if he counted how many times he's done that, it could fit on one servo.

The cop could faintly see the blue blush appearing on her cheek plates as she offered a charming smile.

" Well then....Sir, I accept your offer. I will allow you to court me. " she replied, then soon realized that Prowl still was tilting her helm to look at him, her blush became brighter, then deeper when a fondness she had never seen was present in his optic.

If Prowl didn't have the combination of Logic, wits, and Paraxian coding, he would have more then likely pushed her frame against the closest and kissed her on the spot, not caring if he wasn't calm and collected. But thankfully he had all three aiding him from making a complete aft of himself.

" If you court me I have one request." Airstrike piped up suddenly, almost catching the taller mech off guard.

" And what would that be?" He asked, raising an optic ridge.

" Smile for me." The orange and white femme added. " But just for times like this. I can tell you mean it...."

" I agree to that proposition." He whispered, he spark now wanting to ignore his logic and kiss, but his self control overcame that.

" Now....would you consider fixing the panels in the control room a date or a requirement?" He asked with all seriousness, removing his digital from under her chin.

Airstrike shot him a small smirk, crossing her arms.

" I think both." The flyer replied.

Nodding, Prowl looked at the exit of his quaters.

" Well then I guess we should be going. We don't want to be late for our date." The t.i.c announced, which was replied by a quick giggle from the femme next to him. Although he said that in extreme seriousness, he didn't mind....actually he found her small laugh rather...dare he say cute?


Steelclamp watched with growing suspicion as the mini bot hooked several wires to a helmet like thingy that had a port screen connected to the top.

He remembered Spark being crazy, but after seeing all the weird things on his way in this, he was convinced that the bot was mad. Watching Jim work, the cyber dog took a step back as he connected several wires together, and laughed in triumph as the wires heated up and welded to one another.

" Aha!!! I've got it!!" He cheered loudly. " You! Bot dog!! Get over here!" The gray cytrobian hissed with a wave of his servo.

Frowning slightly, the canine grudgingly obeyed and trotted over. To his despair, Sparky strapped the funky helmet to to him and turned it on, closing his optics just in case. Thankfully nothing went " Boom ". After several seconds the contraption hummed to life and Steelclamp whinned in confusement, except he didn't make a whining sound. Instead a momtone voice rasped out of the speakers of the port screen.

" WhAt ThE sLaGg JuSt HaPpEnEd?!" The dog questioned. The mini bot chuckled evily.

" Hahahaha I've done it! I'm a genius! He can speak!!!"

" I DOn'T cArE! I nEeD yOuR hElP gEtTiNg RiD oF a MeCh TrYiNg To StEaL mY mAsTeR!!"

Sparky nodded thoughtfully and stroked his chin.

" Hmmmm do you know the mech?!"

" SaDlY, hIs NaMe Is PrOwL, AnD hE won't lEaVe mAStEr AlOnE."

The gray mini bot's jaw dropped.

" You said Prowl?!" He gasped.
" Kid! If I kill this guy, I could get out off here!?" The bot crackled. " I have a working distress signal, so this is going to be easy!"

Steelclamp only rolled his optics at the mech's statement.

" I dOn'T cArE! As LoNg aS He'S gOnE." Boomed from the cyber dog's head set. Sparky gave him a sly look.

" You just head on home. I'll come up with a plan, come back tomorrow and we will talk it"

Steelclamp nodded.

" dEaL."

" But...I need the head piece back."


When Steelclamp returned to the ship, it was already late into the next day. On entering, he failed to find HIS master in her room, so he picked up her sent, and to his disgust went to Prowl's quarter's and then to the control room where he found Airstrike and the mech carrying on a small conversation, which she seemed to be enjoying, because she ignored his presence until he huffed.

When his femme saw her pet she raised an optic ridge and asked him where he was. Still angry, he ignored her, just hoping that the mini bot's idea was good.

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