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Prowl was about to take a step way from the airel bot standing in front of him, but decided against it.

" How long ago did you encounter this?" The t.i.c asked with concern. The Rust plague was one of the most deadly viruses known to cytrobians. It was extremely contagious, spread quickly, and almost every known case ended fatally. Beside all that, the only cure was impossible to obtain.

Airstrike tapped her chin thoughtfully before answering.

" I would have to say, three hundred and forty seven years ago sir." The femme answered, then pointed to her wrist. " The coolent from the corps landed here. I imediently....amputated at my elbow on spot. But I later cut off at my shoulder knowing how fast it spreads."

Prowl frowned slightly and grabbed her replaced limb and lifted it closer to his optic. The autobot femme stiffened at this action, unknowingly sending a pulse of confusion through their bond. From his straight face, the mech didn't notice this or ignored it altogether.The battle strategist ran a thumb over the seem where his....bond mate had connected the limb to her shoulder, causing her to tensen even more.

" When's the last time you checked for it?" The cop bot asked seriously, refering to the plague. Now realizing what he was doing the femme relaxed slightly and hummed in thought.

" Three or four years....give or take." The airel bot replied, shifting her weight from one ped to the other. The white and black mech released her arm and brought his own behind his back.

" From what I can tell, you don't have it, although I am missing a large part of my vision....but I trust you know what you're doing, seeing you've been here this long on your own."

Airstrike gave him a half smile at his poor attempt of a compliment and turned around, waving her servo signalling him to follow.

" Come, I'll show you the engine room." She said softly. Prowl nodded in agreement and did as she asked, unwittingly falling into page with her. After several minutes of walking down long dark halls and climbing over rubble, the airel bot led him to a slightly functional command center and forked off to the engine room.

" Why exactly it the command center and engine so close together? The construction of that is both illogical and hazardous." Prowl stated looking around in disapproval. The femme only shrugged at the mech's comment.

" Don't blame me" the femme smirked throwing her servos in the air. " I found it this way, I'm only trying to make it work. Even though I'm not a great mechanic, but I can tell it will never fly again for more then one reasons."

" Obviously " the cop stated glancing at the destroyed room around them. For almost an hour, Airstrike showed him around the command center, explaining the modal and use of the ship, going about what she knew, which Prowl found interesting. He was never one to pass up information on anything.

Unknown to them, a certain cyber dog was glaring intensely at the mech next to his master. Not only had that stupid mech started to be " buddy buddy " with HIS master, but he touched her!!! He touch her arm!!! And right when he did that, he could have ripped his throat right out. But he had more dignity then that. If he was going to rid himself of this stranger, he was going to do it without getting his paws dirty. Perhaps he could let the Valgs get him!

Yes, that's exactly what he could do. He would trick this " Prowl " or whoever he was into increasing the energy levels, which attracts Valgs like scrapletts to metal...or Zombies to brains. All he has to do is pin the blame on the mech. When the valgs come...well he would make sure it came down to either him or this...mech....

And knowing HIS master, she would chose him.


What was probably several hours, seemed like minutes as Airstrike explained what she was doing to the ship. Although it didn't seem like it, Prowl thoroughly enjoyed her company. He knew he didn't show it, the war had taught him not to reveal anything lest it give something away, but he was sure she felt it, mostly because he accidentally sent a wave of enjoyment through their awkward but somewhat useful bond.

The t.i.c noticed a ghost smile on her faceplate which confirmed his, uh....suspicion of what had happened. A low growl was heard behind the battle strategist. Knowing who it was coming from, Prowl didn't bother to turn around, but this apparently caught Airstrike by surprise, raising a optic at her pet.

" I have no idea what's up with him." The femme said through their bond

" I told you he didn't like me." Prowl responded matter-o-factly.

" I can't see why, you have proven to be a very....enjoyable to be around."

Prowl gave a sharp laugh, throwing the femme off guard.

" Why did you laugh?" the airel bot asked extremely confused. The mech looked down, hiding a smile and shook his helm.

" My Apologizes. " he said. " Its just that you're the first bot that's ever told me that. I know plenty autobots that would disagree."

The femme only shrugged and looked at the mech.

" Well, I think I can see why. But I highly doubt any of them have ever tried to hold a conversation with you." She added. The cop hummed and tapped his chin with a digital.

" Perhaps, but I can see their point of view. Even I wouldn't want to get to know me if I had the choice."

" Why?." The femme asked, putting a servo on her hip. Prowl only shook his helm.

" Maybe another time, but I am not yet ready to, explain exactly who I am...."

The airel bot gave him a humored but sassy look.

" I AM you're spark mate, I think I have the right to know." She smirked. Prowl's optic widened slightly before she gave him a knowing look.

" But I will respect your wishes sir." She added softly. " Now, it is getting late. Allow me to show you to your quarters."

Prowl nodded and followed her down several dimly lit hallways, noticing as the numbers painted on the browning wall changed. No others words were spoken between the two, but it wasn't awkward, almost comfortable. The femme stopped at level 23, showing him a medium sized room at the end of the hall. Extending her servo, she handed him a key card.

" This is you're key card, I'll be at the end of this hall. If you need anything...just comm me...or ask through the bond...have a good night sir." And saying thus she walked off. Prowl gave a polite nod and noticed the cyber dog at her peds.....glaring at him the entire time.

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