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Airstrike wasn't sure why she even welcomed this strange emotions, she literally hated hated him less then ten minutes ago and now she was enjoying his attention?

The femme closed her optics and mentally slapped herself several times. She was a commanding officer! She didn't have time for these type of feelings.

" As long as your stuck here you have time...." said a unhelpful voice in the back of her processors which she never listened to.

But it had a point....

Before the femme could future think on these things, she felt herself being set on a medical berth very slowly. The airel bot peered her optics open and glanced at the mech, who wasn't next to her, but was searching the drawers and other spaces for anything to help. She was about to inform him about the disinfectant in the third top shelf to the left that hung over a rusting berth, but he already found that out along with a new needle and was walking towards her, filling the medical tool with the medication.

Airstrike frowned and swung her legs to the other side of the operation table on which she sat, wincing in pain as she did so. Prowl took no notice of her action and walked to the other side and stood infront of her, looking at the yellow liquid inside of the needle.

" I'm no medic, but this should help with the pain and inflammation." The cop stated. The airel bot nodded in agreement having some medical training herself.

" That is correct." She replied seriously. " And you don't have to do this sir." The femme added, trying to hide her fear of needles from her bond mate.

The battle strategist shot her a " Really?"  look that answered her question, causing the femme to cease her talking and look down.

Prowl on the other hand knelt down and softly touched her infected knee.

Because cytrobians are non-organic metallic beings, their skin....or armor is cool to the touch. But, when Prowl gently touched her injury, the first thing he noticed was the extreme difference in temperature, its wasn't cool but hot....really hot. The mech frowned when Airstrike flinched at his touch, assuming that it hurt her.

And that didn't make him happy at all.

Nor was Steelclamp pleased....

The third in command sighed and looked up at the femme, who as himself didn't look to happy.

" The infection is worse then I expected." He stated. " I'm going to have to remove the armor from you lower leg momentarily"

His orange and white femme frowned slightly but nodded, knowing that is wasn't a question and it had to be done. Seeing that she agreed, the mech carefully began to remove the damaged armor, trying his best to not make her uncomfortable, which wasn't working because she didn't like being all, yet that annoying new voice in her processors told her she shouldn't mind Prowl too much, and what was worse was that she even considered it....but she was distracted from all that when the t.i.c in front of her hummed in disapproval.

" What?" The femme asked quietly, not sure if she should be worried yet.

" You do have a general knowledge of the cytrobian anatomy?" He questioned with a raised optic.

Airstrike nodded.

" Yes, I took several basic medical classes back on cybertron." She answered with a curt nod.

Prowl sighed.

" Then you understand that both a cut and infected energon line is not good." He continued, his face a emotionless as ever. She nodded again.

" Yes, and if never treated or never treated it at all, it can result to the loss of the limb." She answered solomly, knowing where this was headed. The cop bot gently ad he could touched the exposed ebergon lines on her knee which was slightly swollen and flowing a deep rich blue instead of a glowing teal-ish color.

" That....that is not good." The mech stated, noticing her wincing again as he touched it.

" But it is treatable."  He added, but frowned when the femme added the word " obvious '' to his statement.

Retrieving the needle, Prowl paused before sticking Airstrike, noticing she had her optics offline, this confirmed his observations that he had been noticing throughout the last several hours.

" I sincerely apologize for this. It seems you aren't comfortable with this." He said holding up the needle. " Or me."

Airstrike only shrugged.

" Its fine it needs to be don-ahhhhgggghhhh!!" She screamed painfully. The airel bot glared at the mech as he pulled the needled out of her infected leg.

" Why didn't you warn me!?" She hissed, optics wide from the pain she surprise.

" It hurts less if you don't expect it." Prowl said simply, ignoring the long glare Airstrike was giving him. " Besides, you seemed like you want me out of here anyways." He added, not in a offended tone, but as it was simply a fact.

The femme raised a optic in question.

" Now why would you say that Sir?" She asked, crossing her arms across her chassis.

" Well first off, even though we both put his Valg incident behind us, I have a feeling you still are slightly mad about that, second you flinch every time I touch you, and I don't think it is out of pain, and when it is, you close your optics a lot when I'm close to you, not to mention you tried to  avoided my presence when I first showed you the needle. I assume about half the discomfort was because of the needle."

" You're very observant sir" The bot stated to her superior with a small nod. The mech gave a small shrug.

" I have to be."

" I've heard you were good. But you are really good. I'm hard to read." She continued. " But you weren't one hundreds percent correct." The autobot femme added.

" You yourself weren't making me.uncomfortable."

" Really?" The battle strategist asked with interest. " Explain."

" Well Sir, it's hard to describe. You yourself don't make me uncomfortable, its the random thoughts in my processor that were making me...uh, uncomfortable."

" So your telling me you basically weirded yourself out?" The white and black mech replied. " May I ask why?"

Airstrike shook her helm.

" I'd rather not." She answered, Prowl nodding in understatement.

But truthfully, she herself didn't understand her own thoughts

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