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After what Airstrike had said, very few words were spoken between the two. When she felt up to it, the battle strategist aided her to her room because she insisted that she'd walk. Finding more then likely meaningless to argue, the mech complied but wrapped a arm around her shoulder plating to take most of her weight off her bad leg.

As the two walked, the image of a normal couple doing the same thing flashed through the femme's processors....well minus the leg being injured by a energy sucking blind monster, but the thought of her and Prowl as a.....couple caused her face plate to heat up.

" I must have a fever " the airel bot concluded mentally, blaming her current infection of these weird thoughts. Because only earlier today she hated him....a lot, and now she was thinking of him in a......romantic way?!

Something really was wrong with her. There was no way she could be thinking like this! She had already determined that a relationship was illogical and would being more hurt then benefit.


Even though the two walked in silence, from the look on Airstrike's face, it was obvious that she was having a internal battle with herself. About what? Well he could be nosey and attempt to listen through their bond, which he had heard could work from several of his....bonded friends....note to self, never ask Ironhide about being bonded. Prowl shuddered at the memory of his friend giving way to much information, explaining things he didn't need or want to know......

But he wasn't going to try and listen, he felt that was invading her personal life and that would be rude, plus she was still semi mad at him, well probably anways. When they reached her quarter's, the look on her face plate was chizzled with both confusion and concern, causing Prowl to become concerned and he didn't even know why.

And at that point it happened unconsciously, he didn't even try, he automatically did it, he tapped into their bond, and could feel/see exactly what was going on.

If it wasn't for his extreme self control he might have gasped, but he easily held it back. Silently he watched the conflicted events that raged inside his bond mate, apparently she talked to herself....a lot.

Inside Airstrike:

" That doesn't mean anything right? He wrapped his arm around me?!"

" Of course it means nothing! He was just being helpful!"

" But all the other couples we know walk together like that!"

" Pull yourself together!!! And really how many couples do you really know?"

" Elita and Optimus... Chroimia and Ironhide, Starblaster and Sunstreaker....uh..."

" Ok Do not strive to be like Ironhide and Chroimia or Blaster and Sunstreaker. Both the mechs and femmes are insane in those relationships."

" What about Elita-"

" Do you ever see them showing affection for one another in public?!"

" Rarely....."

" My point exactly."

" So you think if I ever had a chance with Prowl our relationship will be like that?"

" IF that ever happens....yes."

" So what about when he picked me up?!"


" I am not acting like a pre-sparkling. I'm just curious about what in Primus is going on with me!!! One minute I hate him! The next I don't!! What's wrong with me!!!"

" How should I know? I'm just arguing with myself from a logical view...."

The femme sighed both inwardly and outward. Prowl held back a smile that ever so rarely ever showed, she was the first bot who had thought of him differently then just a Commanding Officer or Acquaintance....yes, he had very few friends, Jazz, Ratchet and Prime being the only three...but this femme was considering him more....shaking off the odd thoughts, he gently shook the orange and white femme, bringing her back to reality.

" Commander, We've arrived at you room...." he said with his normal authoritive tone. Airstrike seemed like she was still part way in deep thought, but glanced at the mech.

" Oh....uh, Thank you sir..." she said in a softer voice that and a distant hint to it.

Opening the door for her, he saw that her cyber dog, Steelclamp had somehow made his way into the room and was glaring fiercely at the the white and black mech. Ignoring her pet, Prowl didn't ask for her permission, he, for the second time, lifted her up, but only to set her down at the foot of her berth.

Her expression of surprise almost made him smile again, but he held it back.

" Your leg is in bad shape. Try to rest, and avoid putting any pressure on it, that will cause more inflammation. I will be back tomorrow to check on you."

Airsrike successfully held back a noticeable blush, but still felt her face plate heat up all the same.

" I-uh....thank you sir?" She whispered, not to say of think of this mech. For a minute, she was ready to believe all those stories about the cold sparked mech named Prowl, who hated everyone but tolerated Jazz.

Now....she wasn't too sure what to think.

" Your welcome. You saved my life. This is only a small fraction of repaying you for all that you did." The mech answered. Even with a expressionless face, Airstrike could feel the sincerity and warmth of his words through her spark. Immediately she took back every horrid thought about him back, she could easily see herself falling for this mech.

Prowl gave the Airel bot a quick nod and exited her quarter's. For the rest of the day he found himself thinking about her willingly. And for the first time in a very very very very very long time, he had what he considered an illogical thought.

He wasn't even trying! The battle strategist was just laying on his berth, then;

" I wonder if she's ever been kissed?" Just popped into his processors! Out of nowhere.

But the even stranger fact was that the thought made him feel strange......almost as if he was jealous....


Muwhahahaha!! Romance may or may not be in the air!!!

Thanks for reading so far!

~ Sheik1998

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