Thirty Four

214 10 29

Prowl returned to his own room after Airstrike left, still scolding himself for rushing things....he couldn't help it, he had that feeling one gets when they treasures something great...and always want it around and...and...and he was acting illogical again. Face servoing, the mech dragged his servos across his face plate and let out a long stressful sigh.

" Why is being bonded so stressful?" He groaned inwardly, and quickly regretted do so.

" Its only stressful if you make it stressful." Echoed the familiar voice of his bond mate. The third in command grinned to himself and shook his helm in jest.

" Do you just wait around waiting for me to say something?" He replied, only to receive a scoff through the other end of their bond.

" As if, you simply interrupted my search for Steelclamp."

" He's missing....again?"

" Yes Sir-"

" Its Prowl "

" Yeah yeah " the femme apologized. " force of habit, anyways yeah. His tracks stop about a mile from the old space port."

" wait." The battle strategist interrupted. " There's been a  abandoned space port this entire fragging time and you didn't tell me!? "

" Didn't ask " was the reply from the other end, which only received a frown from Prowl.

" Airstrike there's bound to be something there that will help us get out of here."

" Prowl, that place is a Vlagg magnet, sure there's probably something there, but its way to risky." The femme answered. The mech only shook his helm.

" Commander, you want to find Steelclamp correct?"

" yes but-"

Prowl cut her off before she could finish.  " And you want to get off this planet correct?" The autobot reasoned. There was a nanoclick of silence longer then Prowl deemed comfortable before his mate replied.

" Yes.... " the femme replied quicker then before, allowing suspicion to arise.

" Then its settled." Prowl announce. " We leave in five "

" But Prowl we-"

" No Buts' Commander, meet me outside the ship."

Saying thus, the mech shut off his end of the bond and let out another elongated sigh. Several questions were running though his processor. Why was Airstrike so adamant about not going to the space port? Heck, why didn't and tell him it existed! Also what was that pause up with? And seemed so hesitant to answer about his last question and that confused him, and he hated being confused. Confusion leaves one unsettled and mixed up until everything is figured out, and right now there were many many MANY stones left unturned.

" Perhaps I'm just being paranoid." The t.i.c grumbled as he exited his personal quarter's and made his way down the rustting hallway." But she's acting like she's hiding something...." he murmered under his breath. Shaking his helm, the uneasiness he felt several months before just before the Magnus rescue mission returned, and unfortunately he couldn't shake it.....


Airstrike huffed as she exited her room, now slightly agitated because of Prowl's decision.

" That place is a Vlagg paradise." She growled and she stormed down the ship's empty passages. " And the space port is filled with corpses reaking with the cytrobian plague." She murrmered as she walked, not caring if her mate eavesdroped on her self conversation.

As the orange and white femme made her way to the ships lower deck, she stopped by the weapons room and grabbed her compactable apex armor. Slapping it between her shoulder blades, the airel bot sighed.

" I have a feeling I'll be needing this." She whispered to herself. Minutes passed and the ship's destroyed exit came into sight, as did a certain white autobot, who was waiting slightly impatiently.

" What took you so long?" The mech demanded when his sparkmate came into hearing range. " It took you several nanoclicks longer then in past trips."

The femme only shrugged and pointed to the round disk located between her shoulders. This seemed like a sufficient answer to Prowl, seeing that he only nodded and started walking.

" The ship's log had the location in its files, so if we travel around 70 miles per hour, or faster; we should arrive in 2 hours, give or take." The third in command informed.

" about that..." Airstrike started. "I uh...."

The femme was interrupted by the low hum of a T-cog, which was followed by the whirlling of geers as Prowl transformed into his alt, which was nothing like Airstrike had ever seen.

It looked at if at onepoint it had been a flawless white color, which showed off the law enforcement emblem, that was now badly dented and scratched up. On the top was a set of lights, being what she identified to be his " Sirens ", and before she could get a further look, he began to drive off. Airstrike watched him go and sighed sadly.

" uhhh Prowl... " the femme called through their bond. "  I tried to inform you earlier, but I can't use my alt...."

This caused the mech to come to a screeching halt and turn around. When he was close enough, he transformed back into his bi-pedel mode. Smiling shyly, the femme wiggled her broken wing and looked down.

" Kinda hard to fly with a broken wing."

" Any reason you couldn't fix it?" Prowl asked as he approached her. The orange and white armored bot nodded.

" All fliers that I found with their wings still attacked were infected with the cytrobian plague."

" I see." The mech stated, then glanced down at her repaired servo and took it in his. " Forgive my ignorance." He whispered into her hand before placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. The femme only nodded, due to loss of words, and as well as trying to hide her spreading blush. She was about to pull her limb away, but she felt his derma move against her plating again, as he murmered something inaudible to her audio sensors, which sent a shiver down her spinal strut (in a good way), causing a small gasp to escape from her.

" Airstrike?" Prowl questioned, then let go of her servo. The commanding airel bot made a strange sound in her throat then nodded.

" I...uhm...I'm ok, its nothing...."

The white and black cop-bot gave her a disbelieving look but nodded.

" Ahhh, well of course." He responded almost awkwardly, due to trying to use his superior tone.....trying. " Anyways " he continued. " Seeing that we're walking, we should arrive in six hours....."

The femme nodded and silently followed the mech as they traveled to the old space port, and unsurprisingly was still to embarrassed to say anything....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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