Twenty Seven

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As the next several solar cycles passed, Airstrike noticed the absence of her metal canine. In the morning he would disappear and sometimes return just before nightfall.

She was curious about where he was, but wasn't too worried about his well being, she was actually happy he was about it. After years he was finally getting the much needed exercise.

Sitting across from Prowl, the femme glanced several times at the exit of her ship, which caught the attention of the mech.

" Everything alright Commander? That's the sixth time in under a breem that you've glanced at the exit." He stated. The airel bot humorously rolled her teal optics and propped her chin on her servo.

" That's not creepy." She answered, flashing him a smirk, which he responder with a scoff.

" That is correct, I am simply observant. Not creepy." He replied with a sharp nod, receiving a quick laugh from Airstrike.

" Do you think his absence is due to my presence?" The paraxian asked with a hint of concern, noticing the femme's own concerned features.

" Perhaps....." the airel answered with a exasperated sigh. " But he's never been one to exaggerate, and leaving because of another bot coming around is dramatic, even for him." She added with a little hmmm at the end.

As the two sat in silence, an idea came to the battle strategist, one that he wasn't sure he'd enjoy.

" Is there any way I could.....befriend him?" He asked, a unsure tone obvious in his voice. Airstrike chuckled softly at Prowl's suggestion.

" With your people skills and charming personality I'm surprised you haven't won him over." She teased. The mech only rolled his single optic.

" Ha ha ." The third in command responded dryly. " very funny." He continued, only causing the femme's laugh to stretch out.

" But in all seriousness, I do not.want to be the center off least here I don't want to be."

" I'm guessing that's not the case on Cybertron?"

" And Earth."

" Oh, the organic planet with the hoomanz?"

" Humans." Prowl corrected. " But close enough, and to answerer the last question, yes, I'm accused of many problems."

The orange and white femme made a " huh " sound, but didn't ask any further.

" Well Sir......I-I don't know if you can....Steelclamp is, a strange case, and he's...overly protective."

" Who wouldn't be protective of you...." the white and black mech whispered beneath his servo covering his mouth.

" What was that?" Airstrike hummed, looking up from the energon she had just picked up from the table.

" Nothing." Prowl answered as smoothly and calmly, as if it had never come from his voice box, sitting up straight before standing up.

" I-uh do you think we should look for your Cyber dog?"

" yeah....we would." The airel replied, setting her cube down, getting to her own peds, next to the third in command.

A nano click after the two left, a gray helm popped up from behind the decaying bar counter. Chuckling evily to himself, the mini bot took a identical cube of energon from his substance and switched it with Prowl's. When he was done, Sparky snuck back behind the bar where a annoyed looking Steelclamp was sitting.

" Ok kid, for now ya have to get on BOTH their good sides." He ordered. Steelclamp, who had the strange helmet strapped to his helm, sighed.

" bUt WhY? i DoN't LiKe HiM aT AlL."

" Its the only way this is going to work." The crazed mech said, still crackling maliciously. The cyber canine huffed.

" i StIlL dOn'T uNdErStAnd WhY yOu SwItChEd HiS EnERgoN wItH hIgRaDE tHAt LoOkS lIkE eNErGon."

" Oh...." Sparky answers. " That...that is for my own personal entertainment." 

Reaching forward, the mini bot unclasped the straps and removed the helmet from Steelclamp.

" Now....go! Shoo! Pretend to like him! " the strange bot commanded. Giving him a glare, the cytrobian canine stood up and trotted off, heading for the control room, where more then likely, Prowl would be with HIS master, much to his dismay.

As he arrived to his desired location, he found his suspicious to be true, both seemed to be writing out plans or something to do with the wiring of the ship. Not that it really mattered.

Upon his entrance though, the femme looked up and smiled, renewing all doubts about his master....the ones about Prowl never left....never would.

Walking over to her, he nuzzled her lower leg, tilting his muzzle up so she could pet him. Remembering what Sparky said, Steelclamp inward frowned but also nuzzled the cop bot, who shot Airstrike a surprised look, and she gave him a similar one. Hesitantly, the autobot mech patted his silver him, making him want to heave on the inside, but he would insure it! He would get his master back!


Prowl was genuinely shocked when Steelclamp nuzzled him. It was the last thing he was expecting, but perhaps this was the exact thing they needed.

" Well, not that we found him, do you think we should finish our energon?" The mech asked. The airel bot nodded.

"  Defiantly, but go ahead and get things set up, I'm going to check something real quick."

Nodding, the battle strategist turned on his ped and left the room, leaving the cyber dog and his owner.

When Prowl entered the rec room, he sat down at his previous spot and picked up his cube and look a sip.

Almost spitting it out, the bot gagged. His energon looked the same but had a bitter taste. Unsure why, Prowl found it illogical to waste energon and finished it.

But when he stood to his peds to retrieve another for himself and Airstrike, he felt as if the floor would fall from underneath him, causing him to stumble.

" the room spinning?" He asked himself, gagging once more at the awful after taste of the turned energon.

" A-and whyyy iz everything blurrr'in?" The battle strategist pondered, his words beginning to slur.

And that's when all the trouble started...

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