Thirty Three

155 7 33

Location: Autobot base, Earth

Prowl had been missing for a while now. Hours turned to days, days turned into weeks and weeks into months, causing everyone, save Jazz and his crew, to give up hope. There was no point, his signal was offline, and for more then seven solar cycles, making him legally dead.

But Jazz wouldn't have it. He knew his best friend better then anyone, he had cheated death more time then he himself could count, and besides, NovaStorm had been missing for years! And he found her, alive and almost well.....apparently some dumb human wanted to experiment with cytrobian sparks....So if he could save her, he could easily save Prowl....but the problem was finding him....

Prying away from his deep thoughts, the third in command activated his blue optics and offlined and onlined them several times before getting up from his desk. On the other side of his dark room, his newly bonded mate Novastorm lay recharging. Smiling softly to himself, Jazz silently hoped her slumber wasn't plagued with nightmares about her capture, which had deeply haunted her. Quietly leaving the room, the visored mech headed for his office, dreading the new day. Due to Prowl's absence, it was up to him to fill those Data pads, and if he ever found Prowl....he was going to owe him....big time.

The sound of on-coming peds broke Jazz's train of thought, causing him to turn around, only to find Red-Alert, with a confused look on his face plate.

" Sup mah mech? " Jazz asked, plastering on a smile. " What can ah do fer ya?"

The frantic look on the red bot's face didn't dissolve, and handed him a data pad.

" We found some strange activity on one of the restricted planets sir." Red answered, pointing at the pads screen, which portrayed the image of a gray and dying planet. Concerned, Jazz raised a optic begin his visor and read given info about it....which wasn't much.

" Wha kinda strange activity Red?"

" Uhhhh information units sir. Several files about Prowl were pulled up.....but they were old decepticon files."

The third in command broke out into a genuine grin.

" Ya think this is a clue ta find'in Prowler!!" He cheered " Where iz this planet!"

" Jazz....Commander Prowl is gone....but Maybe about his disappearance. " the bot replied. " Thema is located in a different system, several galaxies from here. You'll need to ask someone else where its located.....because what's here is all I know."

The black and white bot nodded and placed the data pad in his subspace.

" Thank ya Red!" He shouted as he took off down the hallway. " I've gotta rally the gang!!! Cause we haz got a new mission!!"

RedAlert shook his helm sadly as he watched the t.I.c run off.

" Some people deal with grief in the oddest ways. " he murmered. Turning his back to Jazz, the red mech made his way back to his station, lightly shaking his helm. Jazz on the other hand was about to burst! After two months ( or maybe three, he had lost count ) they finally had a lead! Sure it came from a sketchy restricted planet, but when had stuff like that stopped him before. As the visored mech raced down the hall, he onlined his personal commlink, which notified the others.

" We've gotta lead on Prowler!!!" He announced excitedly, " Meet meh in the hanger in five!!!"

Not waiting for a reply, the bot detoured quickly to his quarters, needing to retrieve several weapons and other dandy objects used for mass destruction. When he arrived, he trampled into his room waking ( as well as startling ) his bond mate. Tiredly, the blue femme sat up, blinking her dim optics while shooting Jazz a confused look.

" Jazz? Wuz going on?" She asked in a thick voice. The mech smiled widely and grabbed his stuff, then sat next to his mate.

" Found some'tin related to Prowl!" He beemed, giving her a quick hug. The femme smiled back and sat up straighter.

" Let me get my stuff!" She said as she started to get up. " The others are going to be so excited!"

Jazz frowned slightly and placed a servo on her arm.

" Nova....uhh Thema is a dangerous place, yer still heal'in hun. Ah can't letcha go."

" But-"

" No But's and dat's final." He said sternly as he stood up, but of course not without placing a quick kiss on her helm.

" I'll be back in ah few days." Jazz informed as he made his way to the door. " A week tops "

" Be safe Jazz." The blue femme whispered as he left. When the door shut behind him, Nova sighed, watching longingly.

" Always having fun without me." She joked to herself, then paused. A unsettling feeling began to erupt in the back on her processors, which turned to a blinding pain.

" No!" The autobot gasped. " Not now! Not her!"

Gripping her helm, the femme curled into a fetus position and closed her eyes, hoping it would all go away. As this began, her rich blue armor began to pale to a sickly color, and when her optics snapped open, their blue was replaced by a murderous red. Getting up, she crackled madly, a wicked grin spreading across her facial features.

" Seems like I'll be paying Thema a visit....." she announced, then gripped her helm as her optics flickered blue.

" Nova's been in control too long!" She hissed. " Error's gonna be in charge now!!"

~ Meanwhile on Thema

Steelclamp whinned softly to himself as he laid alone in Airstrike's room. She and Prowl had left to search for the mysterious being that was dwelling among them, aka Sparky, leaving him with only his thoughts as company, and to his dread, it was things that either HIS master had said, or Comments by Prowl, which was slightly annoying. Growling, the cyber mutt closed his optics in hopes of sleeping it off.....but that wasn't the case. Random things came to mind, such as:

Prowl and Airstrike were mates, which made him want to hurl whatever energon was in his tanks.

If one of them died, so would the other....he couldn't remember which one, because he wasn't paying attention.

Sparky wanted to kill Prowl, in hopes of ending the autobots. Steelclamp wasn't sure what an autobot was, but he knew HIS master was one, so if Prowl, died, that would end that Autobots, which would end HIS master!!! And he couldn't let that happen, even if that ment letting the dumb mech live....which ment he had to stop Sparky!

Jumping to his peds, the metal canine headed for the door. He had to warn them! Their lives depended on it!!! ( probably)


* rises out of my grave made of school work, horse shows, choir practice, state competition, and trumpet lessons *


So so so so so so so so sorry for the long wait!!! I've been so busy and very inactive!! I'll try to be on more!! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!! Oh and the mysterious Error belongs to my bestest and most wonderful friend and twin SN_supernova

Thanks again! I'll try to have more chapters soon!

~ Sheik1998

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