Tattoos and Tempers

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"We're here at East Side Ink for these guys' punishment." Joe announced to the camera as Alice, Q, Sal and Murr gave an uneasy look to it.

"So for your punishment you're all gonna get a tattoo I picked out for you."

"That's not comforting to me at all." Sal opined nervously.

"A tattoo is a personal thing." Q pointed out to which Alice nodded. She already had one on each arm. One was a tribute to her favourite movie and the other was her mantra with a sword twined with roses as a tribute to her favourite game of thrones character.

"Oh don't worry they'll represent your personality." Joe said.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about that?" Alice asked, biting her lip.

"Just make sure it's a spot where my mom can't see." Murray said.

"How about national television?" Q joked, making them all laugh. But Alice was nervous.

Ten minutes late Alice was lying on her side on a bed with her pant leg up, near Q. He was lying on his back, his left arm exposed for his tattoo. Sal and Murr lay on their side and front a bit further away from them. She wanted to take Q's hand to help them both through it but she was too far away to reach.

"OK so these three are getting it on their thighs, right on the ham hock." Joe told the camera, slapping Sal's leg. "And this guy," he pointed to Q, "is getting his arm marked."

"Gatto, you are the worst." Alice said.

"I know." Joe grinned. "You four need to stop loosin'.

"And you need to start getting embarrassed." She shot back, jokingly.

"Never gonna happen, hon." Joe quipped.

Alice sighed and prepared herself as her tattooist, a kind looking woman with a pixie cut, readied the needle with the ink. "Ready?" The woman asked.

"I guess." Alice said and relaxed herself, trying not to move as the woman set to work on her leg.

She found herself gritting her teeth in pain nearly all the way through it. Her first tattoo, her Labyrinth one, had hurt, mainly due to the lyrics shed had inked, and the sword hadn't been easy, but this was another thing again. She tried to keep quiet, not wanting to worry Q or embarrass herself in front of the Camera but the needle was like a knife cutting through her skin.

She glanced to the other jokers and saw Q was in pain too, gritting his teeth. Sal was biting his lip, his face a mask of pain. "Wow, that hurts." He said.

Murr seemed to be taking it well, considering this was the first tattoo he was ever getting. He wondered aloud how big it was gonna be and let out a few ows sometimes.

Joe, meanwhile, was watching them all, trying not to grin too much. "Is this the first tattoo ya gettin' sober?" He asked Q.

"Who says I'm sober?" Q quipped. Alice had to stop herself from giggling.

"This is a nightmare." She said, clenching her fist.

"Says the girl with the big ass sword on her arm." Joe joked.

"Funnily enough that didn't really hurt getting. This stings like a bee with pms."

"Can bees even get pms?" Murr asked, prompting a groan from Sal. "Hey I'm just tryin' to distract myself."

"So can I see this thing?" Q asked Joe who'd walked up to him.

"What thing?" Joe asked innocently.

"The tattoo."

"What tattoo?" Joe feigned confusion and walked off. Q sighed and rested his head on the bed.

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