One Wedding and a Near Funeral

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"So Q is our big loser." Murr announced to the camera.

Q nodded at the camera to illustrate his acceptance.

"So normally we'd tell you what your punishment was gonna be. But today we're gonna do something different." Sal said.

"Yeah. Just wait here." Joe said as he walked away off.

Alice shot a confused look at the camera. What was happening?

Joe instantly came back pushing a stretcher on wheels that stood upright. Alice squinted at it while trying to think of what his punishment might entail. They weren't gonna tie him to it and pour tarantulas on him were they? She hadn't been included in the planning of this particular punishment.

"Boys." Joe grinned at Sal and Murr who chuckled and then grabbed Q.

"Hey what the hells going on guys? Let me go!" Q cried as they put him on the stretcher and strapped him to it with yellow tape

A crew member handed Sal a blindfold and Q's eyes went wide at it. "This isn't necessary guys."

"Oh it's very necessary." Sal laughed as he wrapped the blindfold over Q's eyes.

"What are you idiots up to?" Alice huffed.

"I can't see a thing. Guys? Where are we going?" Q asked.

"Oh you'll both find out soon. Someone will come get you and bring you in, Q. Sal can you go with Alice while I help Murr?" Joe said, putting an arm around Murray.

"Sure. Come on, sweetheart." Sal said, taking her arm and leading her off.

"What's going on?" She demanded, as they approached a nearby church. "Wait what is this?"

"You'll see." Sal grinned as they went inside and headed towards a small room at the back. It was a small storage space but on the wall was a large bag.

"What is this?" Alice gaped as a mix of curiosity and anxiety washed through her.

"Why don't we find out?" Sal walked over to the wall and pulled the bag off. Laying it on a nearby table, he started to unzip it, when Alice moved to help him.

She saw a sliver of something  white as they unzipped the top down and dread ran over her.

Trying to keep calm, she concentrated on opening the rest of the bag but gasped as Sal pulled the mystery item out and held it up for her to see.

Her worst fears were confirmed. It was a wedding dress. As white as pure snow. Lace covered the bodice and the sleeves with the skirt a slim mermaid tail like design. It was beautiful, the dress of her dreams. She reached out a hand to feel it, the material was pure satin. Elegant to the touch and soft. It ran through her fingers like water. A chill went down her spine.

Who was she marrying? Her mind raced as she looked up at Sal. "What, what's goin' on?"

"You're gettin' married." Sal replied, a tense look in his sea green eyes.

Alice stared at him. "To who? Wait, we're not getting hitched are we? God I'm gonna kill Gatto and Murray for this."

"Ew no. You're like my little sister, Aly. I don't do incest." He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"So who am I marrying?"

Sal bit his lip. "Murr."

Alice's jaw dropped. "In front of Q? Are you guys nuts? On national TV?" She spluttered, tripping over her words in her fury.

"It'll be OK." Sal soothed.

"Yeah sure. Ugh Q's gonna flip." She covered her face with her hand. "I can't do this, Sal. I can't go out there in a white dress and say legal vows in front of Q."

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