Q Falls

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"Welcome guys to Q Falls." Q announced, spreading his arms wide as they all stood on a cliff face above a rushing body of water. A waterfall careered down by them and Alice gulped. This time it was a four way punishment set by Q.

"Today we're gonna find out who my best friend is through a series of questions. Each wrong answer moves you up a spot." Q said, pointing to the different coloured spots. They were standing on green spots and there was one single red spot directly on the cliff edge.

"Until we run outta spots?" Joe quipped, making Alice giggle despite her nerves.

"It's payback time guys. For ganging up against me."

"It was Murr's idea!" Joe said quickly. Alice and Sal started to push the scapegoated Murr towards the edge as he screamed in protest but then stopped.

"Three of you are goin' over and the winner stays up here as my best friend. Ready?" Q informed them as they were handed a mark board and marker to write their answers on.

"Let's see who paid attention all these years." Joe interjected.

"First question: What happened to the woman I lost my virginity to?" Q asked.

Alice bit her lip trying to remember. She couldn't. She quickly scribbled an answer down.

"OK Murr you're first." Q said.

Murr turned his board around which read "Heaven."

"Oh that's charmin'." Q joked. "But wrong. Joe?"

Joe revealed his answer which was "Dead."

"I honestly don't know." Joe joked.

"Wrong answer again. Alice?"

Alice slowly turned her board around. "Married and living in Hollywood." She guessed.

"Gee thanks Alice. You're tellin' me she upgraded? Wrong." Q teased. "Sal?"

"I know who it is.' Sal said proudly. "And I know where she is." He turned his board to reveal a drawing of a stick figure behind bars and the word jail written underneath.

"Yes she's alive and well and in prison. Well done, Sal. As for you three, move up a spot. You guys don't listen."

"To be fair I don't really take an interest in your sex life, Q." Alice joked as she stepped onto the yellow spot along with Joe and Murr.

"Yeah excuse her for not wantin' to be grossed out!" Joe said, making her giggle.

"OK second question. What's my spirit animal?" Q asked.

Alice pursed her lips as she tried to think. She knew he loved cats but there was one animal she thought he was perfect for. She wrote it down.

"OK moment of truth. Murr?"

"I know this!" Murr said proudly as he revealed his answer. It was a penguin.

"Ahh that's because you remembered that story I told you in high school about if the world ended I'd want to sit on the Brooklyn Bridge with a beer and a penguin and watch it unfold. Good job." Q said and Murr wiped his brow in relief.


Sal grinned. "I'm bein' very specific with a baby snow leopard."

"Awww that's really nice buddy. OK Alice?"

She bit her lip nervously. "I'm just takin' this from your personality but I think it suits you." She opined as she revealed her answer.

"A bear?" Q sounded surprised and kinda pleased. "Alright, I can see why you thought so."

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