The Sheriff and the Saloon girl

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"Howdy, y'all! We're here in the old wilds of Vegas for Q and Aly's punishments." Joe announced as Q and Alice stood at the end, shooting pensive looks towards the camera. They were both dressed in old wild west costumes, Q was a sheriff and a rather dashing looking one at that, she had to admit. And she was dressed in a purple silk saloon dress complete with fan, high heeled boots and a plumage on her head.

"Looks like there's a lot of bad guys around these parts." Murr said, posing.

"Especially ones wanting to carry off a pretty saloon gal for themselves." Joe added, with a smirk.

"Wait, what?" Alice asked, looking wide eyed at all three guys who were grinning like kids on Christmas morning. She caught Q looking worried.

Suddenly a burly man with a bandanna over his mouth came walking towards them. Flying past the boys, he grabbed hold of her and tossed her over his shoulder.

"Hey, put me down!" Alice said, hitting him with her fists. "C'mon guys this is not funny."

"Don't worry, Al, Q'll rescue you!" Murr grinned. She quickly flipped him off.

"I'm so gonna get you guys for this." She promised.

"Sure, what ya gonna do? Hit us with your little fan?" Joe joked.

"Oh I'll think of somethin', Gatto. We haven't had a three way punishment for a while. I'm thinking more tattoos." She called.

"You can't repeat punishments." Sal reminded her.

"Last I checked, Gatto was the only tattoo virgin here."

"You ain't gettin' any needles near me, honey." Joe replied.

"Oh I will. I have ways." She said, smiling.

"Can you jerks let Alice go?" Q asked but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"Well good thing there's a new sheriff in town to rescue her." Sal drawled in a western accent while rubbing Q.

"I'm the new sheriff?"

"Yeah!" Sal said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"So go on, little doggie. Round those miscreants up and save your lady." Murr said as Joe mimed throwing a lasso and riding a horse.

"Why did we come all the way to Vegas for a punishment? We should be in a casino."

"Buffet." Joe interjected. Alice rolled her eyes at Joe thinking about food from where she was being prepared by the crew.

"Yeee Haw!" Sal bellowed, leaning into Q.

Why are you screaming in my face?" Q asked. "What are you doing with Alice?"

"Oh you'll see." Joe chuckled.

Ten minutes later, Alice found herself tied to a chair in the corner of the saloon, silently vowing to get the guys back. She was near a window so she could watch Q. Her ear comm was still in so she could hear the boys who were now all gathered around the monitor, the mic in Joe's hand.

"OK, sheriff. Your lady Alice is being held against her will in a the saloon with her captor drinkin'. Go in and confront him." Murr ordered.

"How is this a punishment? I mean asides from you jack holes having Alice kidnapped, I'm the sheriff of an awesome town." Q said as he approached to the entrance to the saloon.

"You know what happens to sheriffs in old westerns right?" Murr laughed as Q came in.

The first thing he caught sight of was her, strapped to the chair. She gave him a bashful smile.

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