Potatoes and Personas

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"We're here at Redds restaraunt and bar, putting food on people's plates!" Joe announced to the camera.

"Armed with this bowl of mashed potatoes, the goal is to put as many scoops as possible." Sal added.

"The person with the least amount of scoops loses." Murr informed the Camera.

"Important note." Q said. "We don't work here and they didn't order potatoes."

"But they're gonna get them." Alice added as Q grinned and held the bowl out.

Sal was up first. Touting the bowl, he started to walk around the restaurant floor while the jokers watched.

He approached a family sitting at a table. "Hi." He said simply before doling a scoop onto a plate.

"You can share them but you don't have to." He said, his voice more huskier than usual.

Some of the customers looked confused as he made his way around the table.

"Are they good?" A girl asked.

"They're mashed." Sal replied before serving another scoop.

"Knock knock." He said.

"Who's there?" A lady asked.

"Potatoes!" Sal smirked, dumping another mound on her plate. Alice giggled at his sudden zanyness.

He did this two more times.

"How long have you been working here?" A lady asked.

There was a pregnant beat before Sal replied, "I don't work here." He admitted.

As he started to walk away, one of the girls picked up her plate filled with potato and tried handing it back.

"Don't eat that. Don't eat it. Don't eat it." Another woman said.

"That's good buddy." Joe said as Sal smirked and raised his fist in victory.

Next it was Murr's turn. "It's really nerving being down here. Im carrying 8 ounces of potatoes." He admitted.

"Hey Murr, see if you can beat my score." Sal taunted.

"Seriously, that's a lot of potatoes you served." Joe said.

Sal grinned and punched the air with the mic in his hand.

"I think you're hopin' for too much, Sal." Alice joked.

"How many scoops do ya think he'll put before he gets too nervous and admits he doesn't work here?" Joe asked.

"1." Q said.

"3 at best." Alice said.

"2. Can't be higher than 2." Sal opined.

They watched as Murray hesitantly approached a table full of men.

"Um hey guys I was just wondering if one of you could move your car. Cause it's blocking mine in. I'm sitting over there and..."

As Murr distracted them with his parking problem, he dumped a spoonful of potato on a plate.

"The funny thing about this is, Murrays never owned a car. One of us always has to drive him."

Murr managed to get two more scoops in before one of the guys cottoned onto his plan and took the plates away.

"Pay up, boys." Alice said, holding out her palm. "I called it."

"Wait, pay what? We didn't specifically place any bets on what score he'd get." Sal replied, confused.

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