Ski lifts and squabbles

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"We're here at a ski resort for Sal and Murr's punishment." Joe told the camera.

"Yeah and we've also roped Alice in too for a little chaperoning." Q added with a smirk.

Alice, Murr and Sal all looked confused as they gripped their ski poles tightly.

"OK guys you're gonna ski to the bottom of the hill and we'll meet ya there." Joe said.

"You're not gonna tell us anything more?" Murr asked.

"Nope. You'll find out soon." Joe grinned.

"You know I can't ski right?" Sal said.

"Oh let me help ya." Q said, fiddling with one of his ski poles. Murr and Alice joined in, laughing, as Sal screamed in terror.

Five minutes later, they were posed to ski.

"OK guys go!" Joe said. Sal slid first, shrieking as he gathered speed in the snow. Then Murr followed him. Alice took a deep breath then took the plunge as she skied to meet the guys.

"I don't know what to dooo." Sal laughed nervously as he came to a sudden stop. Alice and Murr stopped too. Wait this didn't seem that long.

Alice glared at Q and Joe who were grinning like kids. "You guys are assholes, you know that right?"

"Yep." They chorused with glee.

Suddenly Alice heard a mechanical like noise and before she knew it, something was digging into the back of her legs. Glancing behind her, she saw it was a ski lift. She rolled her eyes but plopped down onto it, still holding her ski poles. Murr followed her lead and sat on her left.

Sal, however, started freaking out. "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" He garbled. "It's pushin' me! It's pushin' me. It's pushin' me!"

He fell onto the lift beside Alice, looking grumpy. "It's just a ski lift, Sal." She tried to console him but he just sulked. She caught Murr's eye and they both raised their eyebrow. They were more than used to Sal's bad moods.

"Don't you wish there was a button we could always press that just whisks them away out of our lives?" Q joked as the ski life began to move away.

"I'm so fuckin' scared, guys." Sal admitted. Alice put her arm around him and hugged him. She could feel him shaking. She was a little scared herself but not as much as Sal was.

"Look at this hill. If you fall from here, you're dead. You realise?" Murr commented.

Alice shot him a glare. Really? They were really high in the air and he had to talk about the possibility of death. She rolled her eyes.

"Don't move fast, dude. Stop. It's like shakin" already." Sal said, still quivering.

"Yeah Murray. Or I'll push you off this thing." Alice threatened, half jokingly.

Suddenly the lift stopped and they were stuck. Oh great. Alice looked down st the ground and gulped. They were nearly touching the clouds.

"Shit." Sal said.

Suddenly Joe and Q walked over to them casually. "Cosy up there? Aww look at them, Q. Cuddlin' up to each other like a couple of bears."

"This is not funny, guys. Get us down." Alice called.

"Nah." Joe replied, bending down to pick something up. Alice squinted, trying to make out what it was but leaned back as a big snowball came flying up at her. It hit her shoulder, the icy feel of the snow numbing her for a second.

"Not cool!" She cried.

Q was busy making a large snowball and without another word, sent it soaring towards Sal. Sal screamed as it hit him and tried to hide behind Alice.

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