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It was a normal morning for Marinette as she waved goodbye to her parents
"See you later Mama and Papa!"
She headed to school, meeting up with her BFF Alya. "Hey, girl did you hear that we're getting a new classmate?" Marinette smiled. "That's cool, I wonder what they're like?"Alya shrugged.

~~~~IN CLASS~~~~~

Once everyone was seated the teacher asked for their attention. " Students you have a new classmate. Please come in!"
All of a sudden the door burst open and a young girl skateboarded inside with a grey messenger bag over her shoulder.
The young girl sported teal headphones along with what looked to be a custom helmet. Lifting the helmet, everyone could now see her hair was a very dark brown with a skunk-like styled turquoise streak as well. Her eyes were an amber brown along with cream skin. The girls clothes consisted of a dark grey t-shirt, a denim vest, ripped/distressed skinny jeans and knee-high sneakers in turquoise. On her arm close to her shoulder was a bracelet.

The girl took a look around before smiling. "Hey! My name is Ezira-Rose M. Legend!"
Everyone smiled except for Chloe who smirked." Glad to meet you Ezira interesting name, tell us about yourself."
Ezira nodded and spoke;" Yes ma'am! Well let's see, I just turned fourteen and I love math and science! I want to be an engineer when I get older. My favorite color is turquoise! I play multiple instruments. I love alternative music. I love to draw so if you want me to create something for you just ask! I love volleyball. And Im really looking forward to getting to know you!"
Everyone clapped. " Ok and how long will you be with us?" Everyone looked at each other questioningly. "Only a few weeks. You see everyone I am an exchange student." After Ezira was assigned to her seat which was by Ivan, the class began.

After the lesson, Marinette and her group headed to lunch together, however, Marinette forgot something so they all went back.
They got there just in time to see Chloe cornering the new girl while Sabrina held her things.
"I'm Chloe and I'm the mayor's daughter. Just so you know I'm in charge!"
"Leave her alone!" The group shouted.
Ezira puffed her cheeks, giving a sideways smile towards the group before turning back to Chloe. "Well then I've got something to tell you; I don't care so don't even bother now will you move, you're in my bubble."
With that Ezira pushed Chloe aside and walked out signaling for Marinette's group to follow.
"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!"

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