𝟙𝟡:𝔼𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖

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When the sun rose, all six knew it was time. Each of them had practiced new skills;
Cat Noir practiced new creative ways to use his cataclysm.
Reina Rouge tried different mirages, which would definitely confuse the villains.
King Bee tried to master his boomerangs, creating power winds.
Carapace tried using his new sword, and learning to use his turtle shell better. Master told him it would be tricky.
Lady Misfortune used multiple lucky charms before taking a rest and sharpened her whip,
And Silver Destroyer charged up her arrows and made sure she was energized for the battle. She even added armor to her dragon form.

As the sun rose, they met at the Eiffel Tower. This was the end of this nightmare. All of them attacked while the public could only watch in fear, hoping the heroes would succeed.

But, how were they going to catch the akuma and Beetle? Well, they were gonna use a jar that Master had infused with magic. Unfortunately the battle was not going well. All the heroes had bad cuts and bruises but the villains barely had a scratch, except for a long red mark on Silver's face. Anger took over the villain and she transformed into the powerful beast the heroes had feared.
Cat Noir used cataclysm and ran destroying her armor. It must have hit her too because she cried out in pain. Misfortune had taken a fall to Carapace and King Bee. The two villains fought and fought. They managed to snatch Carapace's Miraculous and King Bee's but no luck with Reina Rouge. Cat tried everything until he was the last one standing between the two villains. "Please come back! This is not you! Please do you really want to hurt these innocent people?"

A hint of the girls original eye color flickered but it soon changed to gold and purple once again.
"Please! Marinette, I know your Ladybug! I didn't know what to do when I started to have feelings for your other half. I couldn't decided who I loved more, but now I don't have to choose! Please come back! It's me, your partner, your best friend." Ladybug was shocked and fainted as her transformation released. After the dark purple bubbles had faded away, Marinette lay in the villains place.
But as Cat cradled her, he noticed Ezira hadn't fallen. "Ezira listen to me! I know you think your guilty for the bad luck, but you aren't! You did what was best and protected everyone! You did what you had to! Like when you put yourself in front of Marinette so she wouldn't get attacked by Chloe or how you stood up for her. You stayed by her side no matter what! Please, your guardian feels horrible and doesn't want giving you the amulet to be another mistake. Don't you want everyone to be happy? Is this how you wanted your stay in Paris to go? Come back and I promise me and Marinette will help you get through this!"

Dark Beetle became enraged and screamed at Ezira to not listen. She fell to the ground holding her head as tears of pain ran down her cheeks. Before she de-transformed Silver Destroyer shouted; "I'll be back one day!"
Finally the battle was over and she slumped over as the red oozed changed her back. However, she would have a reminder of the mental battle with Dark Beetle, a small scar on her left cheek.

After awakening, Ezira rushed over to Chat Noir and cried, along with Marinette. After transforming, both fixed everything and everyone forgot about Ladybug and Turquoise Dash's identities. The other heroes passed out and the memories of the past few days were gone. The three heroes took them home and headed back to Marinette's.

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