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When Adrien woke up his head hurt a lot. Looking up he sighed, glad he was still in his room. He turned on the TV and listened as the reporters told everyone to stay inside and avoid the villains. Adrien was worried, he had seen what Silver's arrows could do so no one was safe from her.

He huffed and transformed giving Plagg extra cheese to hopefully make his time last more. He ran off and soon his companions joined them. They talked strategy until cackling was heard. "Well, well, well come back for another fight? Wrong move stupid heroes!" The 6 fought and somehow the heroes hand begun to get the upper hand. But Silver had a trick up her sleeve and yelled, "Mutate!"

Everyone gasped in horror as the once silver villain turned into a ferocious dragon! "Seems like you should have learned more about me before this battle!" The heroes were scared but fought anyway again getting tired and running out of time. The villains cackled and headed of to the Eiffel Tower which they had made their home and ate deviled eggs and black colored macaroons.

"This is too easy!" Misfortune agreed, this was just boring when was the fun gonna start?
Meanwhile after recharging all 4 heroes headed to Master Fu's with the directions of Tikki. "How can we stop them?" Master just sighed and told them, "maybe you should learn a bit more of the heroes in the U.S history?" All the heroes nodded recalling what Silver told them, "well in that case we might need help."

And with a dingle from a bell a women appeared before them."Why did you call?" Master explained to Mistress Fe the situation. She shook her head in disbelief, "I knew this day would come. Well I guess I better tell you. I don't have long, this communication has its time limit." All four heroes sat around the women in concentration as they listened to her tales.

When All Hope Is LostWhere stories live. Discover now