𝟙𝟛:𝔻𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕠 𝔼𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥

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After the events on Tuesday, everyone grew scared of Marinette and Ezira. But they didn't care, not one bit. A little later Marinette felt better and told Ezira she'd be right back. Ezira watched from the side as Marinette gave Alya a hug telling her she was sorry and had no idea what got into her.

As a result the girls decided to plan a sleepover, they tried inviting Ezira but she rejected it saying;"You guys need to catch up and you've been on a roller coaster of a friendship."

The boys had just come and were behind the girls. "You have fun alright? Don't worry about me." And with that, she walked away shedding a few tears.

"Wait Ezira!" Adrien knew he had to do something, he had seen this behavior in akuma victims before. He needed to notify his lady. After exiting school he met Ladybug for patrol.

"Where is our new addition?" He asked.

Ladybug sighed. "Turquoise Dash was here a few minutes ago. She said she wasn't feeling well so in turn wouldn't be joining us." There was silence for a few minutes before Ladybug spoke once more.

"Hey Cat, I can handle patrol. In the meantime can you check on a civilian? Her name is Ezira." Cat Noir nodded, and after getting directions from Ladybug he left to the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

Once Cat Noir landed on the balcony, he heard muffled cries. As soon as the hero opened the trapdoor, his face fell.

There was Ezira crumpled into a ball with her puppies whining over her. "Go away Marinette, I don't want to talk ok?"

Cat took a breath, "I'm not Marinette."

When Ezira heard the voice she immediately looked up.

"Cat Noir what are you doing here?" She gasped in surprise.

"Ladybug wanted me to check on you."

"Well I'm fine see?! Now go away!"

Cat Noir just sighed as he watched Ezira drift off to sleep with waterfalls of tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Hey kid! Over here!"

Cat Noir looked over to see a teal puppy come into his view. "Are you a kwami?" He asked with wide eyes. Spot shook his head and introduced himself before addressing the condition of his holder.

"I'm worried about her, I feel her energy become more and more negative by the day!"

Cat Noir calmed Spot down before listening as the creature told him all about the heroes in the U.S. Soon Cat Noir left, but as soon as he did, Ezira began having nightmares.

She screamed and yelled and cried so much and so loud that she alerted Mr and Mrs Dupain-Cheng. "Honey what's wrong?!" Ezira was so shaken up she couldn't form real words.

In Hawkmoth's Lair...

"Looks like Turquoise Dash isn't so tough anymore!" Hawkmoth remarked.

Dark Beetle smiled in response. "One down, one to go! MUAHAHA!"

In the villains scepter a turquoise orb flashed brightly. It continued to blink while slowly fading into a bright shade of silver...

When All Hope Is LostNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ