𝟚𝟘:𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕋𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝔹𝕚𝕟𝕕

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It's been a few days since the huge Akuma attack took place and now Ezira was getting ready to go home. And Marinette and Adrien were finally together. She walked into class wearing a cool dragon hoodie, along with black shorts and black tennis shoes.

"Unfortunately our time with Ezira has come to an end so do you have anything to say Ms.Legend?" Ezira nodded and brought in a huge bag. She handed out each individual gift, all were from the U.S. "Uh what are skittles?" Ezira chuckled and reassured Alya that it was just candy.

"It won't eat you, promise!" Alya immediately devoured them after one taste."So good!" She said between mouthfuls. Marinette received a bunch of designer magazines and kits to work on. Adrien received Oreos and cool cat sunglasses. Nino received a bunch of cool U.S Cd's and a new cap which said U.S.Everyone was so happy with the presents, even Chloe, who received a very expensive foundation which was perfect for
her delicate skin.

But unfortunately, the end of the day came so Ezira headed back to Marinette's to finish packing up. "Hey wait! Before you go I've got a surprise for you!" Ezira looked at Marinette and beamed. "Race ya!" The two ran off but Ezira had to have a blindfold for the surprise. "Aww, c'mon that's no fun!" Marinette met up with Adrien giving him a peck on the cheek. "Adrien tell your girlfriend it isn't fair to blindfold someone in a race!" Adrien just chuckled, "if we didn't blindfold you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

Ezira huffed as the couple giggled at her response. They guided her to the center of the park, "and open!"Ezira gasped at the sight in front of her, her whole class was there except for Chloe. The banner said "Good Luck Ezira!" Tears of joy overtook her and she bear-hugged Adrien and Marinette lifting them up a little. "Wow, she has a strong grip!" Kim joked while everyone laughed at Adrien and Marinette's reaction.

Ezira put them down muttering an apology as they shook with fear, "remind me to never challenge you in an arm wrestle!" Ezira giggled and joined her friends for the party. To her surprise they even gave her presents too! They begged her to put on some of her own music, she did warn them they may not like it but to her surprise they enjoyed it! Ezira knew of one thing she wanted to do before leaving and that was to sing in front of everyone. (Song from above just a tad bit higher)

So that's exactly what she did but soon it was time for her to go. Ezira didn't want to go back, after all, her time here had been fun! She was gonna miss everyone especially Marinette and Adrien. They were like the parents she never had. She said a tearful good-bye to everyone, she truly wanted to stay but her time as an exchange student was up. Everyone hugged her and petted her dogs.

She reached the plane and soon it took off. She watched as Marinette and Adrien transformed to get a better view and wave good-bye. The Cat and Ladybug cried as well, silently wishing her good luck. She teared up a little, she knew everything would be alright. "Don't worry about me guys I'll be fine I know it!"Ezira sighed and waved back until she couldn't see them anymore. Remembering what Marinette said and grew more confident. She smiled and said, "good-bye Paris. Thank you, everyone, for showing me who I truly am." As she sat back and closed her eyes as she headed into the setting sun.

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