chapter 6: ????

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Sarah walked pushing through the snowy winds when she the felt as if a pair of eyes were burning holes into her back. She teleported to the warehouse that she was taken to. Sarah rolled to a wall taking cover 'this place got more secure then the last time I saw it. No matter I made a promise to Krista and I am going to keep it' sarah thought reaching into her pocket pulling out a device that would make her look and sound like any of the alternate version of her self. Sarah glitched over to another wall and saw Krista and slash being taken inside the warehouse in a cage being driven in on a truck. Sarah looked around and saw Fran walking by the wall she was behind. After Fran walked past her she crouch walked behind her choking her out making her pass out and no one noticed. Sarah picked up Fran putting her in a vent to no one could find her. Sarah used her device to make her self look like Fran and took her badge and walkie talkie. Sarah clipped the badge on and got a message through the walkie talkie 'Fran we have two new people for you come to room 14 I will wait for you there and when you get there it is all yours' rose said through the other end. 'On my way' sarah said and found room 14 walking in and rose walked out. Sarah smiled at them evil "p-please don't h-hurt us" Krista said in fear and slash smiled. " WHY ARE YOU SMILING" Krista yelled "sarah you cleaver little bitch" slash said laughing a bit with a smirk on her face "sarah" Krista said in relief as sarah took off the device. Sarah cut the ropes holding them. Sarah opened up a portal and slash walked through but Krista looked at sarah she was frozen "sis whats wrong" Krista asked when sarah pushed her through the portal and before the portal closed Krista saw sarah got tackled by someone who she never thought she would see.


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