chapter 8: the run away

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Sarah rode on the back of Luna swaying around to Luna's movements lost in thought when she suddenly was shot off Luna's back.  The sound of the bullet echoed through the clearing and Luna ran off scared. Sarah gripped onto her shoulder as she felt the warm blood seep into the fabric of the cold jacket. Sarah got up running into the forest ducking, rolling, and jumping over and under branches. She was going to fast and she tripped over a rock and sprained her ankle rolling down the hill her whole body was numb because of the cold. Sarah groaned pushing herself up slowly and shakily she then heard men yelling 'she went this way' Sarah limp ran into a cave falling to the cold hard rock floor with a thud that echoed through the whole cave. Sarah quickly got up scrambling to the wall of the cave her breathe and heart racing. Sarah covered her mouth with her hand to muffle her breathe as she heard the men say 'target lost no sign of anyone heading back to base' and sighed in relief then waited for the crunch of boots to get out of ear shot. Sarah's whole body shook adrenaline flowing through her body and she slipped down the right sleeve of krista's jacket and looked at the wound on her shoulder. She took out some gauze she packed wrapping it around her arm after disinfection it. Sarah sighed and put back on the jacket then took out her phone to see around five texts from Krista.

sarah where are you

sarah plz text me




Sarah looked at her phone and turned on her location then curled into herself feeling her body become more numb from the cold. Sarah huddled into Krista's jacket and the only sound that she could here was the harsh, fast, and loud sound of the snow storm and her breathe but then she heard crunches in the snow. Sarah panicked thinking it was the men again and got into a standing position wincing in pain then fell to the floor. Sarah looked at the entrance of the cave weak and fearful and who she saw brought tears of joy to her eyes which then froze falling to the floor breaking on impact. Krista, cassandra, glitch, and slash ran up to her "SARAH" Krista screamed crying and hugged her and sarah winced in pain "s-sarah what is wrong" Krista said. Glitch looked at sarah "she has been shot in the shoulder" glitch said and sarah tried to stand up but fell Krista lowering her to the floor "i sprained my ankle" sarah choked out her voice dry and weak. Cassandra walked over to her and both Krista and cassandra helped sarah up but then sarah suddenly fell over limp almost as pale as the snow "s-sarah.............SARAH WAKE UP" Krista said as tears came to her eyes. Cassandra teleported then to ut alphys's lab "ALPHYS WE NEED YOUR HELP" slash screamed and alphys ran over to them and immediately took sarah to the medical bay.

[a few hours later]

Slash was in a chair her leg shaking like there was no tomorrow and she rubbed her hands together nervous. Krista paced back and forth shaking her hands every now and then anxious. glitch was messing with her hair anxiety filling her eyes and cassandra was looking out the window of the floor they were on looking down at how far it was down far enough to if not kill you severely hurt yourself. Cassandra looked out the rain covered window and the only thing the group could hear was the beat of the rain on the glass, the tick of a near by clock, and the sound of a busy lab full of people walking, talking, getting paged, and just doing their job. They all looked at each other from now and then this reminded Krista of the first time they went to the hospital.

sans had just collapsed onto the floor sarah was 8 and Krista was 12. Sarah ran calling an ambulance. When they got to the hospital papyrus and Krista were both a nervous wreak and sarah spoke up tears in her eyes "sis is sans going to be ok." Krista keeled down to sarah's level and said "sans will be alright all we have to do is stay strong for sans" hugging her and sarah hugged back tightly.

Krista just got to the hospital after a call that sarah was there she ran in and a nurse lead her to were sarah was. Krista walked into the room crying at the sight of sarah "she had a glitch attack a really bad one, one of the worst ones i have seen" the nurse said and Krista sat down in the chair next to her. "Is s-she going to be okay" Krista said fighting to hold back tears  "she is on a stabilizer, but only time will tell. You may stay in here for as long as you like ms" the nurse said and left the room. Sarah was only 10 and Krista 14 Krista looked at sarah tears and sadness flooded her eyes "come on sarah fight please for papyrus for sans for me" Krista said no longer fighting the tears.

Alphys called them all in and they all braced for the worst. "Sarah almost got frost bite and hypothermia but she will be fine just asleep for a while" alphys said and they all sighed in relief. Krista was pulled aside out of ear shot of any body else "look i am going to be honest look sarah's glitch attack problem is not getting better only worse. We are going to call in someone who may be able to help her but until then we are going to give you stronger medication for sarah to fight them" alphys said and handed her a pill bottle. Krista looked at alphys "what if the medication does not work" Krista asked sounding ruder then intended "they you just need to help her and wait it out" alphys said and then walked away leaving Krista there in shock.

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