chapter 7: traitor

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Sarah woke up tied to a chair "not this again" sarah said annoyed her head was killing her and she heard a laugh from the shadows. Rose stepped out of the darkness with some one new sarah stared at her in shock and fear "s-shadow" sarah said swallowing the lump in her throat "heh you are an idiot and so is your sister" shadow said and sarah struggled against the ropes. "You really did not think i was a part of this" shadow said and took a knife signaling rose to leave. Shadow looked at sarah and evil grin on her face "i have been a spy for rose for a while" shadow said and pulled the knife across sarah's face just making a small cut. "i was how she knew where we were at all times. I was the one who gave her our plan and information" shadow said and stabbed sarah's shoulder and sarah kept a strait face looking forward "huh w-what" shadow said confused "how i know your weak points and that was one of them" shadow said and sarah smirked "im the idiot well you must have forgotten one thing about me. im more strategic then you" sarah said and broke the ropes holding her flipping the chair back and hitting shadow in the face and the chair broke on impact and a team rushed in all pointing guns at sarah's head and sarah smirked kicking the legs of them and took one of the guns shooting them all and shadow ran and sarah ran after her. Sarah ran into rose and sarah pointed a gun at her and rose threw a smoke bomb running away. The smoke cleared and sarah got shocked by some more goons of rose and she screamed in pain using magic to shocking them back. Sarah ran out of the facility and into the forest. Sarah stopped by a river to catch her breath when she heard sounds like pain and she followed it and found a horse with a hurt leg. Sarah ran up to it and used magic to heal it and the horse slowly stood up and looked at sarah the lowered its head for sarah to pet it. "So im guessing your better now" Sarah said but the horse stopped her and tilted its head to its saddle "so you want me to ride you" sarah said and got on "so i think i might name you Luna" sarah said and the horse made a happy sound. "Well then lets get going Luna" Sarah said and the horse galloped off sarah directing them the cold wind blowing the horses main and sarah's hair left and right. Sarah and the horse ran through a portal to undertale and Sarah put the horse in the shed giving it some food. Sarah walked through the door and ran up to Krista hugging her then Krista hugged back and they both cried into each others jackets. "oh i guess you may want your jacket back Krista" sarah said "nah keep it, it looks good on you sarah" Krista said. Sarah looked at everyone "wheres shadow" ink asked "shadow had joined rose and is now one of them" sarah said and looked away. Krista looked at sarah and sarah looked down "i am going back there" sarah said and everyone jumped "ARE YOU CRAZY YOU JUST GOT BACK AND YOU COULD HAVE DIED THERE" Krista yelled and hugged sarah. Sarah pushed back "i can try to change them lets just sleep for tonight and we will see what we can do in the morning" sarah said. That night sarah sneaked out and got on Luna riding to roses warehouse.

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