chapter 10 calling for help

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Rose booked it out of the building and the voice told her "YOU IDIOT" but she ignored him and kept running. A black horse crossed her path and stopped in front of her. Rose looked into its eyes and saw sarah riding her when she was shot in the shoulder "so your sarah's horse" rose said. Luna lowered their head and rose got on the horses back "take me too her" rose said and they rode off. Sarah was pacing when she heard the foot steps of her horse and she ran outside excited to she them again. When she got outside she pulled her gun up and to rose's head and rose stopped luna and jumped off of her back holding up her hands in the air to show she surrendered. Sarah looked at her with rage "drop the backpack and kick it over here along with your weapon" sarah said and held her finger over the trigger pointing it at rose's head. Rose did as sarah said and sarah turned her around and zip-tied her hand's together.

Rose did not fight back and did not even show any emotion for it "why are you here" sarah asked and rose sighed "to ask for help" she replied as sarah dragged her into the old dust cold shed that looked like it has not been touched in years. Sarah threw her to the ground blocking the door "and why in the world do you think i would help the person who tried to kill me twice" sarah said and the shadow figure came in behind rose "i told you what would happen and you still went against me. One by one your family and friends will be taken and killed" the shadow said and sarah and rose looked at each other. "Now do you think i need your help" rose asked and sarah just nodded and cut her loose.

Sarah and rose walked back into the house and rose got pined to the wall by a bone to the shoulder. Sarah was pulled behind Krista and sans looked panic asking about a million questions per minute. Sarah stepped in front of the group and put her hand on her gun "she needs help there is a stronger villain that is behind this and we need to take down that was the reason rose acted the way it is. She is on our team now and anyone who tries to hurt or kill her gets a bullet in the soul GOT IT" sarah said and they all looked at each other and nodded.

Sarah unpinned and healed her and rose smiled at sarah. Sarah looked at rose and passed her backpack back to her and sarah grabbed her side bag "me and rose are going out into the multi verse to see if anyone is willing to help us" sarah said and her and rose got some supplies. Before the got out of the door ink handed sarah a list "these people may be the most likely to help" ink said and sarah nodded helping rose onto Luna's back and they rode off into the anti void.

Sarah and rose stopped by dreamtale first sarah hopped off of luna's back "stay here they may not want to see you after you kidnapped both dream and fantasy" sarah said and rose nodded with a guilty glint in her eye. Sarah walked in and saw fantasy and dream sitting in between midnight, twilight, nightmare, and daydream. Fantasy hugged sarah "listen i know i am dropping unannounced but i need your help" sarah said and they all looked at her as to say 'go on'. Sarah sighed "i know that she is probably the last person you want to help or see for that matter but we are up against a really bad guy and i need your help to take it down" sarah explained and dream stood up "who is it" dream asked and sarah took a deep breath "rose" she said quickly. Fantasy walked over "ok i have know rose for most of my life and i know that she would not do that on free will and she had to be controlled by someone" fantasy said and midnight walked to her room. Midnight walked back out and tossed fantasy her bow and dream his staff as she slung her her cross bow over her shoulder and put her staff on her back. Midnight, dream, and fantasy gave daydream, nightmare, and twilight a hug.

"My horse can carry me and rose" sarah said and jogged out of the door "my and fantasy can ride the bike that i have been working on and just finished" midnight said "and with the help of ink and shadow they helped make me one" dream said. Midnight opened the shed and dusted off the bikes as sarah and rose mounted Luna "we need to stay together so stay with me and rose. Listen to rose she knows the enemy better then any of us" sarah said and midnight and dream powered up the bikes and revved up the engine. The group set out and slowed down after a bit and came to a stop so the horse could rest.

Sarah brushed Luna as rose explained the shadows power, Sarah heard a voice speak "you are stronger then rose will ever be. Join me and discover your true power or stay with them and stay weak" it said and sarah shook her head. After the break they headed back to undertale and they stored the bikes in the shed along with the horse.

Sarah felt a strange energy but brushed it off, It got stronger and stronger until it had her in a trance. Sarah was locked in her own mind as she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and walked out of the house. "Where is she going" shadow asked to herself "probably to do a perimeter check" Krista said but rose followed sarah and saw her walk into the area of snowdin near waterfall and squinted to see through to strong winds. Papyrus walked in front of sarah "oh hello sarah" he said in his normal tone and sarah just looked down and kept quiet "sarah? Are you ok?" papyrus asked his voice full of worry. Sarah chuckled and pulled put the knife keeping it hidden behind her back "the shadow will live on" sarah said with a manic smile on her face and she charged at papyrus tackling him to the floor and stabbing him in the chest and he faded into dust. Sarah threw his scarf into the wind and fired a gaster blaster.

Rose hid behind the tree fully as sarah looked her way and rose held her breath "well well well looks like we have a visitor sarah" sarah said her voice mixing with the shadows. Rose let out a sigh and spawned her weapon her back pressed against the tree and a tear slid down her face knowing what she had to do next.

Sarah has to die

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