chapter 11: the battle

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Rose heard sarah laugh no no that THING is not sarah. Sarah is gone she is dead and rose had to face facts. A hand covered her mouth and a knife was put to her neck and rose froze. The laugh that the shadow did mixing over sarah's stone monotone voice sent chills down her spin and made her skin crawl. Sarah's hands felt like spikes dipped in liquid nitrogen and rose felt an arm tight around her dominate one 'think rose think. How are you going to get out of this?' she thought her eyes darting around frantically and she was about to do what she did not want to do but IT has forced her hand. She used her free arm to grab sarah's arm and she quickly swung her to the side of the tree she was on and stomped her foot down an her ribs holding it there and twisting her arm hearing a snap of both her ribs and arm breaking. Rose ran getting back to the house and she slammed the door shut throwing her body against it and sliding to the floor gripping her shoulder feeling the blood soaking into her shirt. The others looked at rose and she looked down at the ground pushing herself up still leaning on the door. "Sarah has been corrupted. She needs to be taken down" rose said a bit out of breath and the others started to laugh?! Rose looked at them in shock "you think this is a joke?" she asked in almost a bit of anger. The others calmed down a bit "ok one" krista said "you tried to kill sarah twice" and sans cut in "and she is strong enough to handle herself" and rose gripped her shoulder even tighter almost to the point of opening the wound even more. Rose's eyes went black and her voice dropped almost to a demonic point "if you don't want to help me.fine. i will stop her myself" she said and ran out of the door slamming it before she could see their reaction.

Rose's steps slowed down and halted as a strong blast of wind caught her by surprise and she squinted trying to see through the thick freezing icy winds. The black fog creeps in as she heard krista yell out her name and she turns the fog dissipating "KRISTA?" rose calls out making her way through the fog and krista soon came into view. Krista grabbed rose by the shoulders "i had to come out here i could not just let you face this THING alone. But is it true? is sarah gone?" krista asked and before rose could answer black smoke surrounded her and she was able to get out "KRISTA RU-" before her mouth was covered and it lifted her into the air slamming her hard into a tree causing blood to run down the back of her head and out of her mouth. A demotic glitchy laugh echoed through the area and krista looked around in a panic as her sister jumped in front of her. "Why hello dear sister" sarah said but her voice sounded glitched and demonic, krista took a few steps back readying her weapon "you are not my sister" krista said her voice slightly shaky. Krista pulled out her weapon and sarah moved her hand slightly and black smoke tossed it to the side "what do you mean Kristina? i'm right here" it said and krista's expression turned to being pissed. Krista went to tackle to her but got wrapped in the black smoke and sarah let out a laugh that sent a chill down krista's spine "i would not recommend that Kristina" sarah let out and krista growled "stop calling me that" and broke the smoke punching sarah in the face making her fall to the snowy ground. Sarah chuckled and black liquid dripped onto the white snow and she wiped her face with the back of her hand looking almost impressed. She stood up and turned to krista with her eyes blacked out and black goo running down her face "you want to see your sister so bad? I'll show you" it said before black fog surrounded krista and the world faded to black.

Krista's eyes flutter open and she is in a black room and she looks around in a panic. She jumps and covers her ears hearing her REAL sister scream in agony and she quickly turned and what she saw made her expression go to horror. Sarah had black vines around her neck, legs, wrists, her left eye, and through her chest. Krista gasped and started to cry hearing her sister cry out for mercy and begging for the pain to stop. She tried to get up but was held down by vines. She shut her eyes opened and she was against a tree pinned with blue bones and sarah having a smug look on her face. Krista knew not to move "why are you doing this" she asked sarah and sarah looked over at her tilting her head "why?" she said starting to laugh. Krista looked confused and pissed off at the same time "i would tell you but i would have to kill you. Wait i am going to do that already but i still won't tell you" she laughed and krista's hp drained as she fought against the blue bones that held her. Sarah laughed at her pain and rose woke up tied to a tree her head killing her. Krista looked over at rose waiting for an answer, scanning her eyes for one all she saw was defeat.

Sans was getting antsy and was going into anxiety gripping the inside of his pockets. Papyrus was suppose to be home hours ago and sarah disappeared earlier that day and krista went after sarah and was not back yet. Sans had enough and before the others had a chance to stop him he was out the door. He pushed through the snowy winds barley able to see but called out for all his siblings

*B U T N O B O D Y C A M E

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