👾Chapter 5👾

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"I don't eat humans. I eat Valentine." I frown at him. They all look at me, horrified.

"Valentine loves being bitten by Mercy. She needs the high. Mercy doesn't deed on anyone else. She can't. She gets violently Ill when she does. I feed from my type of vampire as well, my vampire will get here in three, two, one." Michael counts down and a female appears next to him.

"Riley." I squeal and run to the woman. She picks me up.

"Have you met the child yet?" She asks Michael and he nods.

"Did you being me anything from Miss Bonnie?" I ask her excitedly. She nods and hands me a pretty necklace. My name is carved in the lapis lazuli. I giggle and she puts it on me.

Then I go over to Valentine and she holds her wrist out to me.

I feel my fangs descend and I bite into her wrist and feed. She makes a noise after a few minutes and I let go. I look up and look back down. Her skin is slightly graying.

"Valentine, when was the last time you fed with Uncle Kol?" I ask her.

"A few days ago." She says.

"When did you last have human food?" I ask her.

"A few weeks ago." She looks at the trees. I look at her horrified.

"You need to eat." I glare at her and she sighs and nods as I look at Carlisle.

"Do you have any human food here?" I ask him. He nods.

"How about any bagged blood." I ask him. He nods again and leads us inside where I watch Valentine devour dove Bacon cheeseburgers before she drinks six blood bags. Then Carlisle leads us to a bedroom and we lay down and go to sleep while Miles watches over us.

When I wake up, Miles helps me wake up Valentine, then we go downstairs and I watch her eat breakfast before I eat. Then we watch Bella try to use her shield. I drop down from the tree and walk over to her with Miles shadowing me.

"Horrible job." I mutter, pressing my hand to Edward and watching as he spasms. Bella tries.

"Do you want to watch his organs splatter all over you again and again?" I ask her. She bites her lip and shakes her head as I let go of him.

He pants and slowly gets up.
"Try again." I command the blond vampire.

"Bella, if it doesn't cover him, I will shock someone more important. Maybe the child." I stare at her.

She growls and steps towards me.

"Protect your husband Isabella." I growl. She growls louder and I see her shield go up to protect her husband seconds after I touch him and he starts spasming.

He still spasms. She groans and he starts to stand up. I pull my hand from her husband.

"Good job. Do it every time." I tell her. She nods and sits down.

Mercy Michaelson - Volturi Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now