👾Chapter 11👾

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Italics is the nightmare

Then she does my hair, curling it so it looks really pretty. She makes my eyes look smoky-like and I love it.

Then she puts a pretty necklace and a pretty bracelet on me before she puts a ring on my finger. I look down at them. The jewelry is beautiful and I love it. Then Valentine leads me out of my room and down a large staircase where my mates are waiting for me.

They look gorgeous. Like seriously. I need a fan because they are that hot.

I gasp and hold my breath as I walk down the stairs and I don't let it go until they surround me, telling me how beautiful I am. Then they smirk at my blush.

"Ready to go?" They ask. I nod.

Aro and Alec take my hands and lead me to a very pretty garden that looks like the garden I created earlier, but more . . . them. Dark colors everywhere.

Only one cup is filled to the brim with blood and only my plate has food on it.

We sit and I eat and drink until dinner over.

Then we all chat and they make me blush a lot. Then I yawn. They smile.

"Time for bed, little one." Jane says. I smile.

"Okay." I whisper softly. Caius picks me up and carries me to a new room.

"We thought that Valentine and Miles would like their own room." They explain. I nod. Then I go into the closet which already has my clothes in it and I change into pajamas.

They are all sitting on my bed when I get back out there.

I hug and kiss each one of them before they leave, then I crawl into bed and sleep.

"Run little girl." The man says. I run and scream when he catches me.

"I told you to run, little girl." He snarls, then he breaks every bone in my body again and again while I scream.

"You should have ran." He yells before he pulls my heart out of my chest.

I wake up to multiple hands on my body, shaking me awake.

My mates. I cry and cry and cry as they hold me close.

I don't tell them what the nightmare was about an they don't ask.

After a while, it is decided that Jane and Alec will spend the day with me.

Valentine picks out an outfit for me and I change into it in front of them because none of them want me to leave their sight.

Then I go to the garden with them following me and I sit there in the dirt and watch my magic flow around, slowly killing plants. Then I watch as their seeds reproduce and regrow.

I do this day after day after day. I don't feed from Valentine, I don't eat human food, I don't speak. I just exist.

The nightmares don't stop, and after two weeks, when I am starting to dessicate, Aro orders me to the throne room. I do as he asks. Silently.

When I get there, I see someone I never expected to see . . . Shelia Bennett.

Mercy Michaelson - Volturi Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora