Chapter one

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It's the first day of senior year. The last year of high school. I gripped my book bag tight.

I stared at the familiar school in front of me. I looked around at the familiar people I've always seen since middle school.

"Crap" I heard a girl muttered.

I looked to the left and saw a small girl with Brunette hair and dark brown eyes. She had a red shirt on and blue jeans with red shoes.

She dropped a few books. I went over to her and helped her.

"Thanks , it's my first day here" she laughed nervously.

"I'm dinah" I smiled at her.

"Ally" she said touching her necklace wrapped around her neck.

It was a red stone. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. Breath taking. I shook away my feelings.

"I like your necklace" I said stuffing my hands in my jeans.

"Oh thanks, my grandma made it for me" she smiled touching it again.

The bell rang. "Don't want to be late for my first day" she said backing away.

I smiled and waved to her. I walked in the building making it to my first class of the day.

Skip to Lunch Time

I glanced around the room looking for ally. I haven't seen her since I met her this morning.

I don't know why I was looking for her. I saw Lauren and Normani sitting at a table.

I got my food and made my way over to their table.

"Hey Dinah" normani said feeding Lauren a french fry.

Lauren rolled her eyes and snatched the fry away from Normani's hand. Normani glared at her.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw ally. She was looking for a place to sit.
She looked at me and smiled. I waved her over.

"Hey" she said sitting next to me.

"Hey, guys this is ally, ally this is Lauren and Normani" I said pointing to who was who.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys" ally smiled politely.

"Oh no, Camila's coming over here" lauren groaned. She hid behind her hands.

"Hey guys, start of a new year again, want to sign up for choir" she asked pushing a piece of paper toward us.

"No thanks" Lauren and Normani said at the same time.

"Sure, I love to sing , it should be fun" ally said taking out a pen from her bag.

She wrote her name down. She pushed the paper towards me.

"Are you signing up" she asked.

"Sure" I said grabbing the pen from her hands.

Lauren and Normani eyes widen. I signed my name down below ally's. I handed the paper back to Camila. She smiled and walked to another table.

"I can't believe you really signed that" Lauren snorted.

Ally gave me a questionable look. I shrugged and picked up my pizza.

"Why can't you believe it" ally asked munching on celery.

"I mean Camila is annoying" Lauren shrugged.

"Do you know her" ally asked.

"Not really" Lauren shrugged.

"You shouldn't give people labels when you don't personally know them" ally frowned.

I looked at Lauren. Lauren's face got red.

"Your right , I'm sorry" she mumbled playing with her french fries.

Normani laughed then tried to cover it up with a cough.

I gave her a glare. She looked down. We ate in silence for the next ten minutes until the bell rang.

I got up and threw my food away. I put the tray on the garbage can. Ally did the same thing.

"Im sorry about my friends" I said.

She opened the cafeteria door and shrugged.

"It's okay" she said.

"Not really, your right , they shouldn't have done that , Lauren especially" I sighed.

She gave me a small smile. She walked with me to my locker.

"What's your next class" I asked switching the books into my lockers.

"Free period" she said.

"Me too" I smiled shutting my locker.

"What do you do for your free period" she asked.

"Last year I would always go outside , or go to the library and go on the computer" I said.

"You don't read" she laughed.

We walked to the library. I laughed with her. I shrugged.

"I mean kind of but not really" I said opening the door for her.

She mumbled thanks. I followed her to the books. I cringed a bit. She grinned at me.

She grabbed a book and looked at the back. She put it back then grabbed another one.

"Follow me child" she giggled.

I couldn't help but smile. I followed her to where the two bean bags were. She sat down in the red one and patted the Grey one next to her.

"Pride and prejudice" she smiled reading the title.

She flipped through the first page. She began to read aloud quietly so only we could hear.

"Chapter one, It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in a Want of a wife" she read.

She read me the first two chapters until it was time to go to our next class.

We both had English class next. Ally in front of me. She leaned back and her long hair swept on my desk.

"Ok class, I am Ms. Smith" a new old lady said coming in cranky.

I sighed and laid my head down on the desk.

"For your first assignment I want you to partner up with some and write a poem about your favorite color" Ms Smith said.

"Easy" someone muttered. "Yeah , easy for people who will actually do the work , very hard for stupid people like you" Ms. Smith snarled.

Everyone broke out in laughter. "It's due in two weeks , plenty of time" Ms. smith said.

"Want to be partners" ally asked turning around.

I picked my head up off the desk and nodded.

"Great, What should we do" she asked getting out her notebook.

"What's your favorite color" she asked before I could answer her other question.

I saw the red notebook she was using and her red pencil.

"Red" I said. Only because I knew she liked it just by how she wore red.

"Mine too" she smiled.

I licked my lips. She wrote something down.

"How should we start it" she asked.

I shrugged. "I suck at poetry" I said leaning back.

"Should we hang out after school, only if you want to" she said nervously playing with the paper.

"Sure, can we do your house, my house is crazy" I said. She nodded.

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