Chapter five

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The party was packed. It was a little after 9. I already lost ally.

I was in the kitchen sipping on my beer. It had a horrible taste to it but I kept on drinking it.

"Hey" Lauren said coming towards me.

"Hey" I nodded.

"Where's ally" she asked grabbing my cup and took a sip.

"No clue , where normani" I asked.

She shrugged. She handed me my cup back.

"This party drags , I'm heading out, you want to come" she asked putting her hands in her pockets.

"No, I came with ally, don't want to leave her" I shook my head.

"Ok, see you soon" she said.

I nodded. I watched her walk off and immediately felt lonely.

I spotted ally in the crowd. She was talking to a boy. She was laughing and touching his arm.

I looked down at my cup. I sat it down and walked outside.

I sat on a chair and stared at the view of the back yard. A few people were jumping into the pool.

"Hey, dinah right" Camila said standing in front of me.

"Yeah, Hey camila" I politely smiled at her.

"Do you mind if I sit" she asked.

I shook my head. "Not at all" I said gesturing to the chair next to me.

She smiled and sat down. She sighed and leaned back.

"I always thought party's weren't your thing" I said trying to start a conversation.

"They aren't really" she shrugged.

"Me either, I only come to see my friends for a few minutes then I bounce" I said.

She laughed. "I just realized we never talked really before" she said looking at me.

"Yeah, sorry about that" I frowned.

"It's not your fault , everyone thinks I'm weird and chirpy" she shrugged.

"I'm sorry" I said feeling guilty.

She shrugged then stood up.

"I should head back home , my mom is waiting for me" she smiled.

"It was nice talking to you" I said.

"You too" she smiled and walked away.

For the rest of the night I haven't seen ally since I saw her before Lauren left.

I went outside in the front and saw her car was no longer here. I was beyond pissed.

She dragged me here and then she ditches me the whole party. I walked home since it was less than a thirty minute walk.

I opened the door and it was quiet and dark. I silently went upstairs and made my way to my room.

I turned on the light and changed into night clothes. I wiped off my make up with a make up wipe and put my hair in a bun.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed my laptop from under my pillow. I went on twitter and saw a picture of ally and Jake on jakes account.

They were somewhere out to eat. Ally looked wasted. He did too. I got off of twitter and went on Spotify.

I plugged In my earphones and played my playlist. I laid down and stared at my ceiling. I watched the ceiling fan go round and round.

My phone dinged. I faintly heard it. I grabbed my phone from be pocket of my jeans.

Ally💗: I'm so sorry Dinah !!!!!!!!!!

I rolled my eyes and turned my phone off. Tomorrow was Friday. One more day of hell then it's the weekend.

I closed my laptop and put it under my bed. I went to the bathroom and did my nightly routine.

I got under my covers and turned my lamp off. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with ally on my mind.

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