Chapter thirty

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Camila was asleep in my bed. We dropped Olivia off and Camila was too tired to drive back to her house so I'm letting her stay here.

I grabbed my phone and seen missed text from ally's number

I can explain.

Please let me explain Dinah

We can't be over

I texted her back.

You still cheated. We have nothing to talk about ally. Goodbye

I blocked her number and laid down next to Camila. I turned off my lamp and closed my eyes.

I fell asleep within minutes.

A few weeks later

Graduation was coming up. Everyone was stressing. I've been avoiding ally.

I waked Into the cafeteria. I spotted Camila sitting next to bea at our new table.

"Olivia has been asking about you" bea said taking a bite of her pizza.

"She was cool. You give her my number" I raised an eyebrow putting my bag down.

"I will right now" bea said taking out her phone.

Camila seemed like she was lost in her thoughts.

"You okay mila" I asked.

"What , oh yeah just tired" she gave me a small smile.

"I'm going to get my lunch, I'll be back" I said.

They nodded and I walked away. I went into a line and waited. I felt my phone buzz.

I grabbed it and seen a unknown number.

Hey it's Olivia.

I saved her number and texted her back.

To Olivia: hey

She texted me back immediately.

Olivia: do you maybe want to hang out ?

To Olivia: sure ,when?

Olivia: after school. I hear you don't drive I was thinking maybe I should teach you.

To Olivia: oh god , I'm embarrassed, but yeah ok.

Olivia: great I'll pick you up at your school :)

"Anyone interesting" ally asked from behind me.

I jumped. "Sorry" she said.

"What do you want" I moved up.

"We need to talk" ally said.

I told the lunch lady what i wanted. "There's nothing to talk about" I said walking away.

"Dinah I-" she said but I cut her off.

"I don't give a shit ally , you hurt me more than once , this was the last time ally , we're done" I snapped and walked away.

I walked to the table and harshly slammed my lunch down.

"Woah" bea said.

"I hate this school" I rolled my eyes.

After school

I seen Olivia waiting outside her car. I smiled and walked over to her.

"Hi cutie ready" she asked.

"Not really" I licked my lips.

"It's easy don't worry , we'll find an empty parking lot, get in" She said getting into the car.

I got in and we drove until we found an Empty parking lot.

I got into the drivers side nervously. I pressed on the pedals lightly and we drove slowly.

"You drive like my grandma" Olivia laughed.

"I can go faster if you like" I grinned and pressed onto to pedals harder. We went forward and Olivia grinned.

I did a circle and Olivia was laughing. "Not bad" she said.

"Ok I'm done" I laughed putting the car in park.

I looked at Olivia who was biting her lip.

"Is it alright if I kiss you" she asked.

"Uh - I - yeah" I nodded.

She turned and leaned into me. Our lips met and I sighed. She got up and sat on my lap. I bit my lip.

She kissed my lips against and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Her lips left my lips and went down my neck. I closed my eyes.

"Maybe we should put down the seat" she bit her lip.

"Yeah sure" I nodded.

She put down the seats and we went from there.

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