Chapter nineteen

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The next day

Lauren and normani came back and I filled them in on what they missed.

"I still can't  believe ally would do that" normani frowned.

"She's not ready to come out , give her time and she'll be yours" Lauren gave me a sad smile.

"Maybe" I shrugged shutting my locker.

Ally walked past us holding hands with Jake. She looked at me and frowned.

I looked away. "So, shopping, it'll cheer us up" normani said.

"Can Camila come" I asked.

Lauren groaned. "Please" I asked.

"I don't care" she rolled her eyes.

I texted Camila to meet us at the mall. "Yay" I smiled.

"Your lucky we want to cheer you up" Lauren said as we walked out the school.

At the mall

"What about this" Lauren asked holding up a black pair of jeans.

"They look the same as the other ones" I shrugged.

"These ones are a shade darker, these ones are better" camila glanced over at the jeans.

"Thanks camila" Lauren looked away.

"Yep" camila blushed.

"You okay" normani asked me.

"Getting there" I shrugged grabbing a yellow hoodie.

"That's bright as hell" Lauren cringed.

"I like it" Camila said.

"Can we get rid of her" Lauren groaned.

"She's my friend , we keep here" I glared at Lauren.

"Camila can you help me find a dress for a dinner" normani Asked.

"Another family dinner" Lauren asked.

"Yeah , they're starting to get annoying" normani rolled her eyes.

"I just thought of something" Camila grabbed my arm.

"What" I asked.

"Why don't we set you up for a date, Girl or Guy , we can find one" Camila said.

"Why not , I got a bunch of girls I can recommend" Lauren shrugged.

"Some one cute , nice and funny and generous" I gave Lauren a look.

"Ok" Lauren grinned.

"Let's Get you an outfit then" normani said putting the hoodie back.

I groaned. They dragged me to clothing racks.

Normani picked out high waisted jeans. Camila picked out a white top and Lauren picked out a tan cardigan.

"I probably have this at home" I rolled my eyes.

"Go pick out your shoes so we can eat , I'm hungry" normani said.

I picked out black pumps and I checked out.

We ate and Lauren went through her contacts until she found someone for me.

"Bea Miller, she's cute , funny, she has a raspy voice , she can sing" Lauren said.

"Ok" I said. 

"She said tomorrow can work at 6, meet her at the press cafe , here's a picture of her" Lauren said showing me a picture of her.

"You screwed her didn't you" I asked.

"No, she's one of my good friends" Lauren rolled her eyes.

"You know I'm offended you think I always sleep around with every girl I meet" Lauren pouted.

"You do" normani snorted.

"I got to get home, my mom needs me" Camila said getting up.

"Anymore need a ride home" she asked.

"Give me a ride home , I'm tired and I'm ready for bed" I said getting up.

"Thank you guys for today , I had fun" i gave Lauren and normani a smile.

"Of course" normani winked at me.

"I'll send you bea's number so you can text her if anything comes up or anything" Lauren said typing something on her phone.

My phone buzzed and I grinned. "Thanks" I said.

Camila dropped me off at home and I hung up my clothes I got. I texted Bea.

To Bea: hey , it's Dinah

I went through my photos seeing what I could erase since I had to many photos.

I clicked on a photo of me and ally in class the first week I meet her.

Bea texted me I bit my lip.

Bea: Hey! I can't wait for tomorrow!

To Bea: me too

I laid down on my bed and found myself falling asleep.

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