Chapter 3 - Makeover

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After Music class I go home, curious to check what Gunmin did to me.
The boys told me to get ready so that we could go shopping for some clothing and get a haircut. Junghoon said that he had already asked my mother for permission yesterday so it was okay.

I unlock the front door and enter my house, taking my shoes off. I yell, signaling I'm home but recieve no response which means my mother is probably working.
I climb up the stairs and head to my room. As soon as I'm inside it I go to my wardrobe's mirror to see myself.
Whoa. I'm very different. He just styled my hair and put make-up on me but I look like a movie star or an idol. I smile at myself in contentment and go downstairs again to eat.

Half an hour later I recieve a call from Gunmin, letting me know that he and Junghoon were already outside. I go to my room to grab my coat and house keys and then go meet them outside.


We arrive at the mall and, following their idea, first things first so we start by choosing clothes.

First Step : Clothes

They were the kind of clothes I like but I never thought about buying them. Skinny jeans, large and non-large t-shirts, mostly white and black, basically all clothes that would grab some kind of attention. I was the most worried about the skinny jeans cause as I was trying some on, Gunmin and Junghoon would occasionally say how it highlighted my butt or curves.

It's been one hour and we only finished picking clothes now. I'm exausted.

Second Step : Haircut

We went to a saloon on the mall and the boys chose my hairstyle. I am afraid, not gonna lie. I always did the same haircut and to do something different now..I'm not confident.

The hairdresser got her orders from them and started her work. Once she finished cutting my hair she asked them something and then came back with more stuff. She said I would have to wait longer and I told her it was okay.

Half an hour later she came back and took off whatever I had on my head. She continued her job and the final step was drying my hair. Once she did, she smiled proudly and told me I looked very good.
We payed and I was excited to see my new haircut. I went to a near mirror in the shop and look at myself.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My hair was no longer Black as it had been dyed and it's cut suited my face lines.

"So?" Junghoon asked.

"I love it. Thank you guys."

"No problem." Gunmin replied shrugging.

Third step : Make-Up

Gunmin noticed how exhausted we were so he told us to go eat while he bought the needed make-up.

Me and Junghoon did as told and headed to the mall cafeteria. As soon as we entered I noticed people staring at us and it felt uncomfortable. We sat at a table and he excused himself to go to the bathroom. I sat there alone until..


I look up to identify the owner of the voice to find non other than Heedo from my music class.
I greet him and he asks permission to sit at our table. I agree and he makes himself confortable.

"I almost didn't recognize you! You dyed your hair?"

"Hum..Yeah..My friends have been wanting to give me a makeover and today ended up to be the day." I told him.

"Ahhh nice. But you also looked fine with black hair."

"Haha today was a special day. I don't usually style my hair nor do I put make-up. I guess I'll start to tho."

"I see..Is there a reason as to why they are doing this?"

"Actually..Yes, there is." I admit.

"Something that I can know about?" He hopefully asks.

"I guess I can tell you. Well..I had a crush on someone. I'm a nerd and they are one of those popular students. I confessed to them and they rejected me. So, my friends want me to take revenge by turning me irresistible or something like that." I tell him.

"Well, I wouldn't reject you. Dunno who was the dummie who did but they need some check-up."

"Haha thanks." I reply, laughing.

Then, at that moment, an handsome figure enters the cafeteria. Bae Jaewook.

I shift my gaze from him to the untouched cake I bought.

"Is there something wrong?" Heedo asks me, his tone of voice concerned.

I shook my head.
That's right, you're talking with Heedo. Forget about Jaewook's existence.

"Hey Heedo!"

Wait what?
I look up confused and see Jaewook coming over to us. I mean, to Heedo.

"Jaewook-ah, you're late."

"I'm sorry, I got lost while studying. I didn't check the time."

"It's okay. I got Minpyo's company." Heedo says.

"Minpyo?" Jaewook asks while looking at me. I silently nood.

"Have you dyed your hair? You had black hair right?"

"Hum yes I did.." Does he remember me?

"I guess I'm lucky. We met this morning remember?"
Ah so he doesn't know that I am the boy who confessed to him. Good.

"I had wanted to ask your name but you went away too soon. Were you in a hurry?"

I notice my cheeks eating up at his comment. Control your thoughts, you're over him.

"Yeah I guess." I answer, trying to be as casual as possible.

"Whoa what a coincidence. Jaewook, Minpyo's my music class partner. And Minpyo, Jaewook is my best friend."


"Huh what's happening?" I hear Junghoon's voice and notice that he's back from the bathroom.

"Nothing. We gotta go, isn't that right Junghoon?"

He looks confused but I send him a look to which he can't say no.

"Ha..hum..yes we do."

Heedo and Jaewook look confused at what's going on but I ignore it and bid them goodbye.

"Minpyo, don't forget your music sheets tomorrow." Heedo yells after me.

"Aye aye Captain." I yell back.

Aphrodite's Wrath [BenPyo Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora