Chapter 10 - Suddenly Having Lunch Together

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Only a few days had passed and me and Minsu were already missing each other. We started texting frequently and we planned to have lunch together today. However, I have no clue where the black haired boy is. I'm currently sitting alone at the cafeteria due to none of my friends being around as they have classes at this time. I usually eat alone at the rooftop but because today I had company I went directly to the devil's cage hopping I wouldn't feel like in an insect in the middle of gigantic elephants. I was wrong.

I start playing with my food as I'm bored and lonely. Suddenly there's some rustling in front of me and I look up to see none other than Bae Jaewook.

"Hey." He greets.

"Hey." I reply while trying to hide the smile that made it's way to my face.

"Eating alone?" He questions.

I shrugh and observe him taking his food container out of his bag. He opens it up and it looks so freaking tasty. I glance back at my food and cringe at my cooking skills.
It seems like he noticed me as he shows a small smile and pushes his container closer to me.

"Do you want some?" He asks.

"No, thank you. That's your lunch and I already have mine."

"Oh, don't you want to try my food?" He inquired, tilting his head slightly, a pout making it's way to his face. Altough he doesn't look like a person who would pout, this gesture gets me in every possible way. I can almost feel myself melting to his words and actions. "Minpyo is being mean to JaeJae!" He exclaims, trying to be cute.

I cringe and cooe at him at the same time as a sigh leaves my mouth.

"I guess I can taste it." I say before taking a bit of the dish. As soon the food makes contact with my palate my eyes widen and a happy sound leaves my mouth.

"This is so freaking good!"

Jaewook smiles and lifts up his hand, directing it to my face. My heart starts beating really fast as I have no idea what was he planning.

"Be careful, no talking when eating. You are such a messy eater." He says in a sweet tone as he runs his thumb over my cheek, taking away a rice grain which makes me embarassed.

I thank him and look away before he starts asking random questions about me. He asks about my favorite color, food, animals and all kinds of casual stuff. I give him my answers and redirect his questions to himself. We spend some time just chatting about random things and soon enough it is time for the bell to ring, indicating that a break had started.
The ringing cuts our conversation so I just stand there, awkwardly stopped in the middle of sentence, being the receptor of the most beautiful smile. Jaewook's mouth is so pretty, his teeth are white and his lips plump enough to tempt anyone. But I won't ever say that again.

Soon enough, the bell stopped ringing but we just keep on looking at each other. It is starting to get cringy, actually. Fortunately or not, Minsu appears out of nowhere to greet us, and I get to see him after days with no contact in person. Of course we texted each other, a lot, but being together in person is always more fun.

Minsu pulls a chair to sit on the same table as us and asks we have been up to. I just shrug it off as we talk everyday and show him a smile.

"Sorry, I will go back now." Jaewook suddenly says, taking me by surprise.

"Already?" Minsu asks to which he nods. He waves us goodbye and just like that vanishes into thin air.

I sigh softly before starting to make conversation with the black haired boy next to me.

"Weren't we supposed to have lunch together?" I inquire, squinting my eyes, leading him to laugh.

"I'm sorry, I forgot my teacher had arranged an extra class at that time and I wasn't able to text you." He explains, puffing his cheeks cutely while fixing his hair.

"Sure..." I reply shortly, leaving him frustrated with my attitude. We then switch topics and talk about nothing in particular. We never grow out of themes even if we spend a lot of time talking, we just casually talk about everything and anything.

Unfortunately, time is cut short as once again the bell rings, warning me about my next class that just happens to be Music, the class I look the most foward to and my last one for today. I bid Minsu goodbye and make my way towards the music room.

It was finally the day to present the work me and Heedo had been working on to our teachers and class. We put a lot of hard work into this composition so I hope we get a good grade.
I arrive at the classroom, making my way towards my seat. Only a few minutes later Heedo entered the room aswell and came towards me.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, rubbing his hands together, nervousness irradiating from his body.

"As I'll ever be." I replied back.

Hello guys!
I'm back in black with some benpyooooo!
I hope you like this chapter and sorry for the lack of words. I know it isn't too big but I wanted to end it here haha.
Anyways, thank you for all the support ♥

Minjee >.<

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